New Equipment | Education/Training
The purpose of these courses is to promote best manufacturing practices and enhance the individual’s job performance. These courses are indispensable for everyone involved in Electronics Manufacturing. Blackfox is widely recognized in the industry fo
New Equipment | Education/Training
IPC - Association Connecting Electronics Industries® offers globally recognized industry-traceable training and certification programs on key Electronics Industry Standards. Blackfox, founded in 1996, is the premier Worldwide Approved IPC Training Ce
New Equipment | Education/Training
Blackfox’s Lead Free Soldering series minimizes the risks of conversion, and gives you the confidence to introduce lead free products and services quickly, with highest quality. The lead free certification program offers the latest requirements for S
ProntoVIEW-MARKUP is assembly CAD Viewer & Gerber Viewer software used by electronics manufacturers to quickly find components, pin, shorts between traces, etc. ProntoVIEW-MARKUP is also a redline tool that allows annotation of the assembly to creat
New Equipment | Assembly Services
Hitechpcb is an expert PCB manufacturing & assembly company that proudly supplies PCB assembly solutions to businesses of all sizes in China. Our industry-leading PCB assembly processes create PCBs of the highest quality. Our expert team is made up o
New Equipment | Education/Training
Component Rework/Board Repair Training This is a 5-day, advanced course for anyone responsible for quality and reliability of reworked or repaired electronic assemblies. It is a comprehensive hands-on training program with 80% lab work. The certific
New Equipment | Education/Training
Component Rework/Board Repair Training This is a 5-day, advanced course for anyone responsible for quality and reliability of reworked or repaired electronic assemblies. It is a comprehensive hands-on training program with 80% lab work. Attendees m
New Equipment | Education/Training
This new series of Hands-On Skills Training will focus on those seeking new employment skills, skills for job advancement and companies requiring industry certification for their employees. In consideration of the current economic situation, these s
New Equipment | Education/Training
This 4-day, lectured course utilizes the images in the IPC-A-610 document to provide visual accept/reject criteria examples for all three classes of assembly production–for both lead and lead-free. The IPC-A-610, “The Acceptability of Ele
New Equipment | Education/Training
Solder Training and Solder Certification Courses Taught in Accordance With IPC Soldering Guidelines. We offer a variety of customized courses set up specifically for our customers requirements. An example would be our combination type certificate t
Blackfox is the industry leader in providing IPC Certifications, Solder Training, Customized Training Programs, and Counterfeit Component Training and Certification.
Training Provider / Standards Setting / Certification / Manufacturer / Consultant / Service Provider
701 Delaware Ave. Unit B
Longmont, CO USA
Phone: 303-684-0135