New Equipment | Education/Training
This latest version D of the IPC-A-610 released in Released February 2005, Presented in a one day class this is a must for all quality assurance and assembly departments. IPC-A-610D illustrates industry-accepted workmanship criteria for electronic
New Equipment | Solder Paste Stencils
Sometimes there are products that come along and you think to yourself-Wow! The StikNPeel™ rework stencil is one of those products. It simplifies the rework of site locations by placing a highly flexible, removable, adhesive-backed stencil on to a ci
New Equipment | Solder Paste Stencils
SMT Framed Stencils are laser cut solder paste stencils designed to work on SMT printing machines. These laser cut stencils are permanently glued into a frame. These framed stencils are are designed for highly repeatable continuous operation in volum
New Equipment | Solder Paste Stencils
Flip Up SMT Rework Stencils are laser cut solder paste stencils designed to replicate the intial manufacturing process albeit for a designated component or selected area. These laser cut mini stencils can either have flaps (to prevent neighboring are
New Equipment | Solder Paste Stencils
SMT Prototype Stencils are laser cut solder paste prototype stencils designed to work on their own for hand printing. These laser cut prototype stencils do not need to be permanently glued in a frame. These so-called framelessstencils are less expens
New Equipment | Solder Paste Stencils
Miniature SMT Rework Stencils are laser cut solder paste stencils designed to replicate the intial manufacturing process albeit for a designated component or select area. These laser cut mini stencils can either have flaps (to prevent neighboring are
New Equipment | Education/Training
IPC J-STD 001 REV F Requirements for Soldered Electrical and Electronic Assemblies. The IPC J-STD-001F standard is the industry-consensus document with respect to the assembly of PCBs and electronic assemblies. Released August 2014. IPC J-STD-001
New Equipment | Solder Paste Stencils
SMT Foil Stencils are laser cut solder paste stencils designed to work on their own for hand printing or with stencil tensioning systems. These laser cut stencils do not need to be permanently glued in a frame. These so-called frameless stencils are
These can be used to roll solder paste through the stencil aperatures for prototype printing. One set custom made for stencil size. At we supply numerous types of metal stencils including framed, frameless and prototype stencils. We
New Equipment | Solder Paste Stencils
These fixture plates facilitate the controlled dipping of flux or paste onto the balls under the BGA packages. Flux or paste is controlled at a depth of 50-60% per cent of the ball diameter prior to placement of a BGA or to place a PoP component on t