1 solder with an old metcal solder station with a sttc-144 tip result

New SMT Equipment: solder with an old metcal solder station with a sttc-144 tip (Page 1 of 1)

PACE ST 115 Digital Desoldering Station with SX-100 Sodr-X-Tractor

PACE ST 115 Digital Desoldering Station with SX-100 Sodr-X-Tractor

New Equipment | Rework & Repair Equipment

ST 115 Digital Desoldering Station with SX-100 Sodr-X-Tractor           PACE's ST 115 features simplified interface with digital display and soft buttons, just push the arrow keys up or down to change temperature from 500-850°F (260-454°C) Fully P

PACE Worldwide


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