Electronics Forum: x-outs (Page 1 of 5)

X outs

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 25 21:41:03 EDT 2002 | davef

1.0 X-OUT POLICY 1.1 Each Panel not to contain in excess of X% X'd-Out boards. 1.2 Each X-Out board to be marked in a manner so that Pick & Place equipment will not attempt to insert those boards X'd-Out such as fiducial reference hole for paneliz

X-Outs and Panel Arrays

Electronics Forum | Wed May 14 11:10:56 EDT 2008 | scottefiske

Anyone out there in SMT land know the premium you will pay by not accepting any X outs?

X-Out Board

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 17 11:48:25 EST 2012 | davef

Here's a link to an earlier thread on SMTnet that may add something to the conversation http://www.smtnet.com/Forums/Index.cfm?CFApp=1&Message_ID=20871 Allowing fabricators to X-Out boards is a bad idea. * X-Outs are randomly placed * Machines can

X outs

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 25 15:00:37 EDT 2002 | Claude_Couture

1: I use the fiducial mark as bad board mark. 2: First get the X sensor installed on the machine, then use method 1. 3: other methods: group boards according to which unit is X out. Then edit NC program to skip corresponding X out.

Processing x-outs

Electronics Forum | Thu May 08 21:19:46 EDT 2008 | davef

Don't allow x-outs. There has been previous discussions here in SMTnet that maybe found by searching the Archives. Steve Gregory calculated that printing paste on X-outs cost him about $50k a year.

X out marking

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 18 13:43:52 EDT 2009 | victorp

Is there a standard (such as IPC) or common industry practice in regards with x-out marking on rejected boards of a panel? Do board shops have to X-out both sides of the rejected board, or one side? If the answer is one side, which side should be ma

X-Out boards

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 18 18:34:33 EDT 2024 | ahernand75

Hello SMTnet, I would like to know from you guys your experiences of how the use of X-Out boards impact your units per hour on your lines. There are different scenarios where some of you might have only one lane reflow oven and others may have 2 lane

Cost of using X-Out Panels????

Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 27 13:59:13 EDT 1999 | RG

Have there been any studies done on the actual cost of running X-Out's. Please provide any inputs you might have. RG

Processing x-outs

Electronics Forum | Thu May 08 17:26:06 EDT 2008 | rogercox

Are there recommended image reject marks in order to process x-outs from a PCB supplier? Do they have to be in the copper or will silkscreen suffice?

X-Out Board

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 18 13:39:43 EDT 2013 | vpham

Please help, how do you skip x-out boards on a panel using Juki 2050 pnp machine?

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