Electronics Forum: .002 coplanar (Page 1 of 1)

Screen Printing for BGA

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 21 16:58:25 EDT 2003 | justin

With a eutectic ball, you'll see about a 50% collapse. This negates that .008" issue you're referring to. With a high temp ball, you don't enjoy the same freedom regarding ball collapse. Dave is correct, though. We recently got IBM to sign up to

QFP Coplanarity & Alloy 42

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 30 21:00:41 EDT 2003 | davef

We're not clear on what you seek. So, as a starting point for our discussion, we wouldn't get agitated if we saw "routine" coplanarity of 4 thou. For instance: Maximum Lead Coplanarity [Altera] Package||Acronym||Lead material||Finish||Maximum Lead


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