Electronics Forum | Sat Sep 05 23:15:32 EDT 2009 | prasadz
We have successfully implemented this dual Process You can use any printer that supports Board width 500mm. SMT Dual Process Maximum PCB Width should be (500-20 / 2 ) = 240mm Max (PCB width )Printer support = 500mm Top width + Bottom width
Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 16 04:43:28 EDT 1998 | Michael Fogel
Does anybody knows of a used placement machine that can handle boards (Back-plans) of 650mmL x 550mmW with placement area of 500mm x 540mm ?
Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 27 12:08:37 EDT 2023 | danlilie
Hello, just a quick questions: do you encounter PCB with one side longer than 500mm? If yes how big is the PCB approx and for which end product are they made?
Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 24 03:30:53 EDT 2018 | lraymond
Please take a look at the model DEN-ON RD500V series machine , it can handle 700 x500 mm (28" x 20 ") and can also be customized for larger PCB. The company is quite reliable (55 years old) and makes very strong equipment. http://denondic.co.jp/en/
Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 07 09:44:31 EST 2023 | spoiltforchoice
As you can see from the replies, lighting/displays is the big one, it's also the example customer sales will use when they are offering machines that can handle large boards. We manufacture large boards occasionally and they are typically backplane
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