Electronics Forum: 0

Agilis Feeders

Electronics Forum | Fri May 24 11:49:55 EDT 2002 | stefwitt

Again, I would like to refer to the tape dimensions and their deviations. In an 8 mm tape the distance from the sprocket holes to the tape pocket is 3.5 mm +/- 0.05 mm. This tolerance is easy to achieve, because in the manufacturing process of the ta

Simultaneous pick up with 0402 and 0201 components

Electronics Forum | Thu May 12 00:18:55 EDT 2016 | darby

Sorry for delay - been flat out. Sr - I understand what you are saying. My concern is that combined with the head offsets and variations in pick points (i.e. having to teach feeder positions for very slight amounts like 0.05mm)then you cycle times wi

Fiducials on feeders

Electronics Forum | Wed May 22 15:56:43 EDT 2002 | stefwitt

The play of the tape is quite significant as I mentioned in an earlier thread. Tape width can vary between 8.1 +/- 0.2mm. Demos on 0201's are most likely done with 8.1 +/- 0.05mm tape. I guess you are referring to the cover tape pull, which can dispo

MYDATA Myspeed software is total junk

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 13 23:31:19 EST 2005 | KEN

Many of the Engineers from Dynapert / Precima went to Philips EMT. You can see many simlarities in feeder and nozzle designs. They (Philips) have a signifficant history in the P&P arena. I have 3 GEM emeralds from 1998 that continue to calibrate at

Agilis Feeders

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 29 07:52:43 EDT 2002 | stefwitt

Shall we designers ignore what component vendors recommend how to peel off the cover tape? See Performance Note: http://www.kemet.com/kemet/web/homepage/kechome.nsf/vapubfilesname/F3102GTaCerPkg.pdf/$file/F3102GTaCerPkg.pdf P.S. Also, note the decen

Typical SMT Machine changeover times?

Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 29 03:40:06 EST 2006 | Frank

The Juki 2060 can have both front and rear trolleys and you do not loose any feeder locations. My question was why can't the Assembleon put trolley on the rear? I recently visited a friend at a company that used a lot of Assembleon and compared run


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