Electronics Forum: 0-400 (Page 1 of 1)

Mechanical strenght

Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 08 22:15:46 EST 2005 | molosse21

Hi everyone, One of our customer is asking us wich one of these two components has a better resistance to vibration. Vibration can be a potential problem for them. He has the choice between a thru hole radial capacitor with near 0.400 in diameter an

Quad IVc AutoProgram

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 04 16:55:04 EDT 2013 | microaide

I think I'm slowly figuring out vibratory feeders. Who would have thought to click on "Block Slot" to tell where a vibratory feeder was installed? So I defined two vibratory feeders. SOLIC is in slot 6, and SOIC-14/16 is in slot 42. I have two parts

SMT production

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 25 16:08:24 EDT 2001 | jmills

We build a product that requires a lithium battery. There is a Smt Battery clip soldered onto two gold pads on a FR4 PCB. The battery is forced by two little clips punched out to provided downward pressure in the battery holder, enabling the lithium

SMT production

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 25 16:09:45 EDT 2001 | jmills

We build a product that requires a lithium battery. There is a Smt Battery clip soldered onto two gold pads on a FR4 PCB. The battery is forced by two little clips punched out to provided downward pressure in the battery holder, enabling the lithium

SMT production

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 25 16:12:18 EDT 2001 | jmills

We build a product that requires a lithium battery. There is a Smt Battery clip soldered onto two gold pads on a FR4 PCB. The battery is forced by two little clips punched out to provided downward pressure in the battery holder, enabling the lithium

Comparative Tracking Index (CTI)

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 15 16:14:22 EDT 2001 | davef

Comparative Tracking Index [CTI]. In printed circuit board fabrication, CTI is a measure of the ability of the laminate surface to withstand tracking [carbonneous tracks on the surface, under wet contaminated conditions] across two electrodes placed

Way to port SMT program from Mydata to Panasonic?

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 19 10:35:56 EDT 2008 | mi

No, I don't have Panapro at all. Some Mydata files I've exported end in: *.cmp & *.gen Files saved on floppy from Panasonic MSH II end in: *.MNG, *.POS, *.SET Panasonic program filenames come out as: CF000000.POS CF000001.POS ... Sample quote of

Re: QP2 vs GSM

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 10 17:30:44 EDT 1998 | FAC

When creating part data�s for BGA or QFP style components, the line scan camera will be utilized (Camera No. 4). Using a Single nozzle type placing head, a nozzle capable of sufficient vacuum, and front lighting the part can achieve placement of a 74

Pings Trace Routes

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 16 13:05:19 EDT 1999 | Clifford Peaslee

Brian, Depending on where you are, the traffic "route" is different. This is what I have: (TRACERT SMTNET.COM) 2 10 ms 10 ms 10 ms 7507port02-atm.maine.rr.com 3 20 ms 90 ms 20 ms sl-gw7-nyc-6-1-0.sprintlink.net 4 20 ms


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