Electronics Forum: 0201 0402 tombstoning (Page 1 of 35)

0402 tombstoning

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 11 20:35:22 EDT 2002 | davef

Messy. Messy. Messy. Consider gluing these components, until you control your process. It is unclear to us that a single factor drives these defects, but multiple factors that need to be tuned to work well together. PAD DIMENSIONS * Some SM-782 pa

0402 tombstoning

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 12 15:10:00 EDT 2002 | jsherrow

IMHO it's caused by three things: 1) placement 2) placement 3) placement

0402 tombstoning

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 11 16:37:16 EDT 2002 | pteerink

Profile would be the first place I look. Check your rise and fall rates for temp. Should be no more than 2 deg/sec for rise and 4-6 deg/sec for cooling. Phil

0402 tombstoning

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 11 14:31:15 EDT 2002 | aaelect

We're having some problems with 0402's tombstoning. On a board with about 300 parts we're getting about 12 to 20 tombstones per board. The caps seem to do it more often than the res. The pads appear to be in accordance with IPC SM 782 amendment 1, S


Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 22 11:54:47 EDT 2001 | jdtpfacreate

OEM Boy, This is an excellent question. Since I am on the "I-want-to-sell-you-equipment-side" I do not have the hands-on experience that you do but, I do have a many engineers back at our factory who have dedicated their lives to these issues.


Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 22 08:23:51 EST 2008 | aj

All, I understand that there is a requirement to upgrade the narrow view camera on the Fuji CP642 to place 0201 components - is this necessary ? Also, 1 - What tape package to they come in ? Can you use 0402 feeders? aj...


Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 22 10:27:03 EST 2008 | fastek

Well I've heard you must get the 0201, 0.4mm tape feeder to place an 0201 component as the 0402 feeder won't do it. They ain't cheap @ $1,000 each from Fuji roughly. Also you will need to get 0.4mm nozzles on your machine. Have you actually done thi


Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 22 09:10:51 EST 2008 | mulder0990

AJ, You can use 0402 feeders to place the 0201 parts. I would suggest getting the feeders you are going to use calibrated before trying to run the parts. Also, another good idea is to get some 0.4mm tape leaf covers for the feeders. They will h


Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 22 12:51:42 EST 2008 | fastek

Logan- That's good to know as I've wondered what makes the 0201 feeder from Fuji so different $$$ from an 0402 feeder? In that they are both 8 x 2mm feeders is it simply a different tape leaf that is the difference? And is the high price compared to


Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 14 23:21:30 EDT 2001 | oem boy

I am working on 0201 development for my company in the UK, and I am planning a rather extensive DOE for my reflow oven profile. I am planning on studying various ramp rates, soak times, times above liquidus, peak temps, etc... My biggest concern

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