Electronics Forum: 0201 and rework (Page 1 of 24)


Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 21 22:35:11 EDT 2001 | me

Yes, Pb Free is coming soon... I am studying both Sn/Pb and Pb Free solders. Obviously the profiles will be much different for both pastes. Not to mention that one of my 0201 resistor vendors is switchng to Pb Free terminations in the near future!

0201 Rework

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 24 21:43:28 EDT 2009 | davef

In reworking 0201, we: * Cut the 0201 in half with a side cutter * Heat the solder on each pad separately and flick the half 0201 off the board * Preheat a new component to +150°C with a hot plate * Solder a new 0201 on the undressed pads with a hot

0201 Rework

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 24 09:25:36 EDT 2009 | scottp

We're just now getting into 0201s and I'm wondering how people are doing rework. Is hand soldering still viable or is some type of semi-automated repair station needed?

0201 Rework

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 15 08:30:59 EDT 2009 | geb

We use precision tweezers to rework 0402 (OKI MFR-PTZ) not tried with 0201, but it may be a solution. The tweezers themselves have the heating element built in.

0201 Rework

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 26 15:47:37 EDT 2009 | stepheniii

Are there solering iron tips for that size component? The C shape end ones. That might be even easier than cutting them first. I would think hand repair is going to be better than a semi-automated repair station for a while.

0201 and Lead Free

Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 13 09:29:08 EST 2011 | swag

We're soon to build a lead free assembly with 0201 components. I'm not worried about placement as our machines can handle it. Any tips on printing, screens, reflow?

0201 and uBGA

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 05 17:13:58 EDT 2002 | Yannick

Hello! I have a strage problem, we made some production with uBGA, BGA, 0201, 0805, and other type of component. We didn't put the uBGA and 0201 and BGA on the board at the end of the line we look a our solder joint and surprise the solder made a

0201 and uBGA

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 25 06:56:16 EDT 2002 | CH

U may check your profile ramp rate. The flux may evporated and look like cold joint

0201 and Lead Free

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 14 11:06:12 EST 2011 | swag

Thanks, Dave. Really good article.

0201 and uBGA

Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 23 18:11:10 EDT 2002 | steveb

On an assembly reflowed in air saw the same thing: 0201's with a grainular solder joint, but 0402's and above with perfectly formed joints. Reflow profile all within acceptable tolerances. Reflowing in nitrogen solves this problem, but increases t

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