Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 03 10:33:24 EST 2003 | Ben
We have a customer that is requesting decoupling capacitors, and we are not sure what they are or where to buy them. I know that the customer wants ceramic decaps. Should we just look for multi-layer ceramic capacitors with the rating the customer
Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 03 14:37:15 EST 2003 | davef
Here's the basics: http://www.e-insite.net/ednmag/archives/1997/091297/19col.htm
Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 04 15:04:52 EST 2003 | MA/NY DDave
Hi Just had to poke back at this one. Good article David F, Thanks!! A little old yet still great. Hey ever used Pease Porridge from EDN. Modelling has come a long way in a short while, yet still the real physical reality and the desired electro
Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 05 02:59:00 EST 2003 | MA/NY DDave
Hi I was poking around for awhile and gave up on time. With a little more I could probably find a good article. Yet here is an article that tells you a little about decoupling capacitors although really more focussed on higher values. I thought abo
Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 03 11:23:04 EST 2003 | MA/NY DDave
Hi If you don't know what these puppies are, HAVE the customer specify them. You will be MUCH Safer in the long run since if you choose the wrong value they will COME Back at YOU. He might even need a network of .1 .01 Piles of places to read; Bo
Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 04 13:27:39 EST 2003 | MA/NY DDave
Hi Wow Genny, I don't think I could have given so much detail so fast. I have designed some high RF test designs for testing purposes to pass only the High Frequency, yet I didn't want to muddy the water with this other side. Now you did it well a
Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 03 14:48:11 EST 2003 | genny
I've never heard of a customer saying just 'we want decoupling caps'. Very interesting. In RF applications - frequencies 50MHz up into several GHz, the location of where they are put is just as important as what the value is. Decoupling caps are p
Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 22 13:17:56 EST 2008 | cyber_wolf
0201 Feeders are a different height than regular 8X2's I have put them on a surface plate and measured them with a height gauge. FYI: They make 0201C (Capacitor) and 0201R (Resistor)Again the difference between the two is height. Also it is CRITI
Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 02 21:32:34 EST 2002 | davef
Sounds like you're killing the poor little critters. Tell us about: * Placement force. * Reflow method. * Where and how you are measuring your reflow recipe. * Cooling rate of the reflow recipe. * How the solder connection to the metalization appear
Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 03 10:21:11 EST 2002 | jimlew
I don't think I can post pics in this (if anyone knows otherwise let me know), so I will email them to anyone who's curious. Here's the answers to your questions: Placement Force: 0201s are placed on the Siemens S23s with 1 newton of force. The s