Electronics Forum: 0201 issues (Page 1 of 7)


Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 22 11:54:47 EDT 2001 | jdtpfacreate

OEM Boy, This is an excellent question. Since I am on the "I-want-to-sell-you-equipment-side" I do not have the hands-on experience that you do but, I do have a many engineers back at our factory who have dedicated their lives to these issues.

0201 feeders

Electronics Forum | Wed May 17 17:27:58 EDT 2006 | smt_guru

My consultancy firm will perform a process capability analysis on your 0201 feeder performance characteristics. We will leverage and integrate various feeder designs utilizing electro-mechancial design modeling and simulation. Please consult us in

0201 Placement

Electronics Forum | Tue May 04 22:45:58 EDT 2004 | alwil

I want to find out if we can place 0201 components using a Fuji CP6-E 4000. If this is possible, do we require any upgrades to the machine. Is anyone doing this at present with this type of CP6. If so, what size of nozzle and feeder type is being use

Tombstoning 0201

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 14 19:19:23 EDT 2021 | dwl

Just for grins, try rotating the board 180 degrees before reflow. this might allow both sides of the part to reflow at the same time. Is it just that one part with the arrow? Its interesting that none of the other parts have the same issue despite a

Tombstoning 0201

Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 27 10:53:24 EDT 2021 | majdi4

Thank you all for your quick reply ! the problem is solved without making any intervention on line .. 0% defect rate for the moment .. for all of you who said "try rotating the board 180 °", we can't do that because the panel contains 2 boards head t

0201 Aperture design

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 03 18:45:56 EDT 2002 | davef

Get started with an "On-Board Forum" [blue bar an inch down from the top of the page] moderated by Jeff Schake at DEK that was a discussion focused on stencil printing issues with 0201 technology. Chris: Are you putting 0201 on flex? If so, sounds


Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 21 15:49:45 EDT 2022 | markhoch

I agree. The silkscreen will cause a gasketing issue with the stencil.

0201 Aperture design

Electronics Forum | Sat Oct 12 05:05:09 EDT 2002 | Kenture

I run 0201 on a 5 mils stencil with openting of 15X12 and did not have any issue. The major concern is the placement and CP643 did very good job. Type 3 solder pastes was used. Good luck.

0201 and uBGA

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 25 13:38:35 EDT 2002 | finepitch

Yannick, If we leave the 201 issue aside; have you checked where those BGA pads are connected to? Could those be power/ground balls connected to large (difficult to heat up) planes by any chance? Erhan

Re: 0201 components

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 15 19:01:39 EDT 1999 | DGrenier

| | I'm hoping to use 0201 caps and resistors in a new design but so far have only found one company who makes such small devices (Murato). | | | | Can anyone direct me to any other supplier? | | | | Are there any particular problems associated wi

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