Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 27 19:55:13 EST 2002 | nifhail
Hi, I need help to understand further on the via in pad for 0402 requirement. If I were to do the DFM over the brd design which consist of 0402 with via on pad, what is the criteria that I should look for ? I learned that the via in pad does not wor
Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 05 21:05:32 EDT 1998 | Stefan Witte
Most of the older placement machines might not have a 2mm advancing feeder. Here is how I get by picking from a 8 mm feeder without loosing every second component. 1. Define a second component in the BOM. 2. Define this component in the feeder set up
Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 07 21:53:47 EDT 1998 | Dave F
| Most of the older placement machines might not have a 2mm advancing feeder. | Here is how I get by picking from a 8 mm feeder without loosing every second component. | 1. Define a second component in the BOM. | 2. Define this component in the feede
Electronics Forum | Tue May 07 07:41:33 EDT 2002 | Sir Alexandr
Hello ! That was an one of our troubles. But we decidet it. Our way : 1. Vibrofeeders of Phillips may be ajusted for special ironrails , horisontallylairs , so IC goes permanently and correctly, also we create some acceptable subfeeder for Phillips
Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 29 05:37:56 EDT 2005 | dougs
for 0402's you should be able to run the turret at full speed, if you need to slow it down it means that your machine isn't set up properly. use the vision number that the manual tells you and make sure your feeders are properly calibrated, poorly c
Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 10 02:13:32 EST 2004 | Grant
Hi, We are thinking about starting to use via in Pad, for both BGA and 0402 and 0201 components. Does anyone know how this would effect production. Obviously PCB production is not difficult, but this should only effect production and assembly. R
Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 28 08:00:32 EDT 2005 | cyber_wolf
I am not sure about 643's, but on a 642 machine, the pickup height @ station 1 is critical. Especially on 0402's. The should be a spec, and instruction on how to verify in your maint. manual. Bad pickup height can cause you all kinds of headaches on
Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 23 08:39:22 EDT 1998 | Jon Medernach
What is the level of interest in bulk feeding cpassive devices, caps & resistors, 0402,0603,0805? The component mfgs. tell me in 3 years 40% of the passive caps will be bulk fed. Their is currently about a 10% cost savings with bulk over tape & ree
Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 31 19:58:37 EDT 2005 | Paul Bendemire
Hello, We're experiencing about 4% loss of parts (primarily 0402 caps and resistors, few 0603s and 0805s), and the error codes are mostly 12040403 and 1CA0A009. The help manual on error codes is cryptic at best. Can anyone help me interpret these
Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 27 14:42:56 EDT 2005 | paulbendemire
20%) on particular parts (e.g. 0402 caps) by looking to the part data. After this, we have another threshold (10-20%) that I am continuing to look into. Feeders are suspect, though part data could also be involved, just to a lesser extent than with