Electronics Forum: 0603 problem (Page 4 of 26)

Re: WAVE SOLDERING and Gluing 0603 packages

Electronics Forum | Sun Apr 25 12:05:50 EDT 1999 | Chrys Shea

| | | Has anyone had trouble waving and gluing 0603 R's and C's? At my company, our designers have "opened the floodgates" on bottom-side 0603's. | | | | | | We've got an EPK+ with rotary chip and omega wave but can't seem to get skip-free solderin

Re: WAVE SOLDERING and Gluing 0603 packages

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 26 09:18:27 EDT 1999 | C.K.

| | | | Has anyone had trouble waving and gluing 0603 R's and C's? At my company, our designers have "opened the floodgates" on bottom-side 0603's. | | | | | | | | We've got an EPK+ with rotary chip and omega wave but can't seem to get skip-free so

static issue on 0603 led tape and reel

Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 13 08:37:49 EDT 2010 | denisp

we have a static problem with 0603 led when removing the plastic retainer from the tape and reel. same problem with the feeder causing reject and bad placement. is there someone having the same problem? and how to fix it. thank you

Re: Solder Fillet Problem on 0603 chip capacitor

Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 13 07:34:49 EDT 2000 | Wolfgang Busko

If it�s in reflow, do you see where the solder is going? If it�s in wavesoldering, how�s the orientation of the parts? Wolfgang

Re: Solder Fillet Problem on 0603 chip capacitor

Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 13 15:26:20 EDT 2000 | Dave F

We periodically see chip caps with poor solderability. Often terminations are missing plating.

Re: Solder Fillet Problem on 0603 chip capacitor

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 17 18:36:49 EDT 2000 | Philip Reyes

Yeo, These are possible rootcause of that defect and you can evaluate. 1. Orientation of the capacitor, maybe the cap is located behind big component. 2. Reflow profile, check the profile on that side. 3. Yes, check also the mounting force. Philip

Epoxy printing and wave soldering on 0603 and 0402 components

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 12 21:05:06 EDT 1999 | karlin

Hi, I need some urgent informations on stencil design guidelines on how to perform epoxy printing on 0603 and 0402 components. Could anyone help? ( Reflow process is not possible because of some other constriants) Secondly, I need also facing a lo

How close can you put 0603 chip resistors together

Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 26 14:20:49 EST 1998 | Paul Brydges

Hi, My question is how close can you place smd 0603 chip resistors to each other with having an assembly problem? I know the pick and place machines don't need a lot of clearance, Iam more concerned about the court yard area around the component to

Poor Fuji recognition of PhyComp 0603 (1608) cap

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 28 03:16:14 EDT 2002 | bentzen

Hi. I have a huge problem with Fuji CP643 recognition of 0603 (1608) capacitors from PhyComp. The terminations appear round with no clear corner edges. I have used vision type 10 but also tried others without luck. For certain parts I have 10 - 20 %

Re: How close can you put 0603 chip resistors together

Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 26 20:04:23 EST 1998 | Dave F

| Hi, | | My question is how close can you place smd 0603 chip resistors to each other with having an assembly problem? | I know the pick and place machines don't need a lot of clearance, Iam more concerned about the court yard area around the com

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