Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 14 13:26:28 EST 2014 | emeto
You can also see this: http://www.efd-inc.com/NR/rdonlyres/7C8592BD-70D0-4A0A-91C4-2A2743EB6710/0/EFDFrequentlyAskedQuestions.pdf
Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 01 16:46:40 EDT 2023 | assuredtech
We have the following Samsung CP20 spare parts and feeders available, we also have CP40 - CP45 spare parts and feeders available - please inquire. 1.) Fine Suntronix MRK OR4-H Power Supply 24V 16 Amp Output 2.) Y Axis Service AmplifierSanyo Denki PY0
Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 31 19:58:37 EDT 2005 | Paul Bendemire
Hello, We're experiencing about 4% loss of parts (primarily 0402 caps and resistors, few 0603s and 0805s), and the error codes are mostly 12040403 and 1CA0A009. The help manual on error codes is cryptic at best. Can anyone help me interpret these
Electronics Forum | Sat Apr 09 01:41:47 EDT 2022 | glasscake
Fixed it, had to go to another one of my gem x2 machines make a user account with admin permissions. Copy the line of code in the "VtOperatorDef.txt" file under d:system that specifies that user into the text file on my topaz xii. V #BEGIN,OPERATOR
Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 14 10:53:25 EDT 2012 | mili
In Setup menu there is a last option Debug. Debug choosing a window with Rack0, Rack1, Rack2, Rack3, log RS485 opens. Choosing rack0 a window with parameters S3 boxes 1 to 12 Input and certain boxes are checked, S4 Output from 1-8, from 1-8 S5 Outpu
Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 24 05:23:45 EDT 2016 | bukas
hello, DEK wont start and im getting this error message: motor com error, axis 1,2,3 fatal error, reinitialise machine. this happens about 30 sec after BIOSes are copied to shadow ram. euro sys cards are inserted properly and on segment display is s
Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 04 00:03:28 EDT 2018 | gaintstar
flason smt pick and place machine: http://www.flason-smt.com/product/Hanwha-IC-placer-SM321-High-Speed-SMT-Modular-Chip-Mounter.html http://www.flason-smt.com/product/Hanwha-Pick-and-Place-Machine-DECAN-F2-High-Speed-SMT-Modular-Chip-Mounter.html htt
Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 04 15:27:23 EST 2007 | patrickbruneel
Here it is Steve Here's a (427 page) EPA report on Solders in Electronics: A Life-Cycle Assessment http://www.epa.gov/opptintr/dfe/pubs/solder/lca/lfs-lca-final.pdf If you look at page ES-16/table ES-4 and ES-5 it appears that SAC alloys have a hig
Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 23 12:02:17 EDT 2002 | gdstanton
Ken, Excellent discussion!!! I've also seen this problem. Spent and am still spending significant time policing. I don't think it is just a buyer issue though. There are many dimensions to the problem. Suppliers, Engineering, Manufacturing, and
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