Electronics Forum: 1-0[0] (Page 1 of 1)

Truth Table for and

Electronics Forum | Mon May 23 16:38:48 EDT 2005 | thaqalain

0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 Please u check sequence of rows,I think above is correct sequence.

Truth Table for and

Electronics Forum | Mon May 23 11:37:36 EDT 2005 | dougt

AND A B C -------- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 C is the result Are you studying for a test?

ANN: PCB Synergy Beta and new Website

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 27 06:18:32 EST 2012 | sarason

I am just releasing Version Beta Release Added feeder swapping. minor fix in Mydata TP Sys 2.7 Added more Juki 2000 and 700 series and Yamaha YP/YG machines, more Panasonic machines. Updated Options tab, User interface cleansing Added Check

Agilent SJ50 .dat file

Electronics Forum | Sat Dec 12 04:21:13 EST 2009 | nkohler

Hello, We use SJ50 serie AOIs. I made a program which watches the .dat file and if an algorithm changes then my program makes a log file from the parameters of the modification. I know some numbers are which parameters, but I don't know all. I write

Missalingment 0402 Capasitor by Vision on TCM1000

Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 01 06:02:43 EDT 1999 | Bach Huss

Hi, We are running 0402 component on the TCM1000 and we find that teher will be missalignment on 0402 Capositor. We have identified that the missalignment is caused by the wrong information from the vision system while doing vision centering. The sy

Way to port SMT program from Mydata to Panasonic?

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 19 10:35:56 EDT 2008 | mi

No, I don't have Panapro at all. Some Mydata files I've exported end in: *.cmp & *.gen Files saved on floppy from Panasonic MSH II end in: *.MNG, *.POS, *.SET Panasonic program filenames come out as: CF000000.POS CF000001.POS ... Sample quote of

Re: Missalingment 0402 Capasitor by Vision on TCM1000

Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 01 06:45:36 EDT 1999 | JAX

| Hi, | | We are running 0402 component on the TCM1000 and we find that teher will be missalignment on 0402 Capositor. We have identified that the missalignment is caused by the wrong information from the vision system while doing vision centering.

Re: Missalingment 0402 Capasitor by Vision on TCM1000

Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 01 07:25:05 EDT 1999 | Wolfgang Busko

| | Hi, | | | | We are running 0402 component on the TCM1000 and we find that teher will be missalignment on 0402 Capositor. We have identified that the missalignment is caused by the wrong information from the vision system while doing vision cente


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