Electronics Forum: 1.2[0] (Page 1 of 1)

Reflow Profile ENIG Vs. Immersion Ag

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 24 07:06:06 EST 2005 | davef

There's a lot of comparison tables on the web. Here's one: Properties - Summary [A Winlow Circatex] Attribute||Hasl||Immersion Silver||Immersion Tin||Electroless Pd||OSP||Eless Ni / Imm Au Shelf Life (months)||12||12||12||12||12||6 Multiple Reflows

Gold Surface Finish on PCB's

Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 08 07:55:16 EST 2005 | davef

Your understanding of the situation is correct. In both cases, you solder to the nickel. The gold [Au] protects the nickel from oxidation. When soldering, the gold moves into solution in the solder and forms an intermetallic compound [IMC] with th

Copper Finishes versus Layer Thickness

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 04 08:33:08 EST 2007 | davef

You cannot determine foil thickness from its weight per area, because of the significant variation in the density of electrodeposited [ED] copper. But people don't care. They do it regardless. (oz/ft2)||(mils)||(mm) 1/2||0.7||17.8 1||1.4||35.6 2||2

Stencil for BGA re-balling

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 11 09:19:17 EST 2008 | davef

By the way you asked the question, we assume that by "reballing" you mean bumping, we should be able to figure that out: * Volume of the ball = ( pi*d^�)/6 = [355/113] *0.6*0.6*0.6]/6 = 0.11mm^3 * Volume of solder required = 2*volume of ball = 2*0.11


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