Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 03 09:10:46 EST 2005 | russ
That would be a 2012 (2.0mm x 1.2mm) in accordance with standardized naming convention.
Electronics Forum | Sun May 18 19:04:54 EDT 2008 | jmelson
OK, here's a sample component file : 1 0.1uF 0.00 1 24 1.00K 0.00 1 22 10.0K 0.00 1 3 1000pF 0.00 1 3 .001uF 0.00 1 25 1.0uF 0.00 1 2 100pF 0.00 1 30 10M 0.00
Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 24 07:06:06 EST 2005 | davef
There's a lot of comparison tables on the web. Here's one: Properties - Summary [A Winlow Circatex] Attribute||Hasl||Immersion Silver||Immersion Tin||Electroless Pd||OSP||Eless Ni / Imm Au Shelf Life (months)||12||12||12||12||12||6 Multiple Reflows
Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 01 19:07:57 EST 2002 | fujiguy
Yes Smema is used in the industry. It allows the equipment of different manufacturers to comunicate with out extensive rewiring. Both SMEMA 1.0 and 1.2 are used. An experienced SMT manufacturer wil include both for options.
Electronics Forum | Sat Dec 10 07:03:59 EST 2005 | mdemos1
Hi. I am trying to find out the minimum copper thickness I should see on a through hole barrel. The board has 1 ounce copper and the board thickness is 0.062". I am finding thicknesses of 0.6 to 1.2 mils. Thanks, Mike.
Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 04 22:28:16 EST 2003 | davef
You could reduce the paste by about 70%. Solder balling and tombstoning will be the issues to fight. The drivers to these don't change with the component size. Use the fine SMTnet Archives for background. Aperture Size and Thickness of Solder Pas
Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 28 08:29:04 EST 2006 | davef
Pad design - Standard IPC 20 pitch QFP Thermal pad design - Layout the thermal pad 0mm to 0.15mm larger per side (0mm to 0.30mm larger overall) than the exposed die pad on the package. �Larger than�, as opposed to the same size, is preferred. Obvio
Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 25 09:56:23 EDT 2008 | mysmt
Hello, we are using DEK265gsx printers, at the minute ARCOM unit is not communicating with motor control cards 0,1,2,3 in Y1 enclosure. Checked CPU & RS232/485 cards from other DEK265, found okay. Any help will be appreciated. Mysmt
Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 04 08:33:08 EST 2007 | davef
You cannot determine foil thickness from its weight per area, because of the significant variation in the density of electrodeposited [ED] copper. But people don't care. They do it regardless. (oz/ft2)||(mils)||(mm) 1/2||0.7||17.8 1||1.4||35.6 2||2
Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 01 04:15:58 EDT 2005 | pci
Hello I am looking for a best solution to make a prototype of Single sided and double sided board. Using Orcad. The line / track width are 8/8 mil. the hole sizes are 0.6 0.8 , 1.2 and 2.6 mm. The size will be approx. 175 x 130mm. Could you please