Electronics Forum: 1.28 (Page 1 of 1)

Why 50 mils in 0805 package instead of 40 mils.

Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 03 09:00:18 EDT 2003 | davef

EIA standard packages have a variety of L/W proportions. EIA||Dimension mm (LXW)||Proportion (L/W) 0201||0.6X0.3||2 0202||0.5X0.5||1 0303||0.8X0.8||1 0402||1.0X0.5||2 0504||1.25X1.0||1.25 ||1.4X1.4||1 0603||1.6X0.8||2 0805||2.0X1.25||1.6 1111||2.8X2

PCB Laminate Materials

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 18 11:19:58 EDT 2001 | genny

I didn't wade thru all of the info you presented above, but your comment about ampacity of printed circuit boards brought to mind a copy of an article I keep in my files. Luckily I photocopied the whole page from the magazine and can actually tell y

FS Quad 100 v3v6,Accu-Heat oven,dehart printer,quad parts

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 24 16:57:03 EST 1998 | henry

EQUIPMENT FOR SALE QUAD 100 V3/V6 Low hours, Excellent condition, All latest factory revisions Firmware 3.65 Central controller software 5.6D with computer system Autoprogram software 5.31 1- 28" Latching feeder base 5- 4" Latching feeder b

Philips/Assembleon Software Update

Electronics Forum | Sat Apr 25 10:55:01 EDT 2015 | emanuel

We are using a Comet chipshooter complemented by an Emerald for more complex parts. Both are old but true workhorses, for our small batches are more than enough. There is one annoying thing with the Comet and the 2 tables method when it comes to fidu


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