Electronics Forum: 1.5 mm hole size embossed tape (Page 1 of 2)

Feeder tape size

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 27 17:42:35 EDT 2002 | russ

i don't know of any "handy dandy" but something I use is tape width minus 4mm for the max component size that can be fit into tape widths of up to 32mm. 32mm and larger have holes on both sides which would then be tape width minus 7mm. I have never

SMT package to feeder size chart

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 07 12:28:22 EST 2008 | evtimov

Hi, most common parts were mentioned already. For all the rest you will have the simple counting we all do. Distanse between two holes in the tape is 4mm. You dont need special software for that. packages for passive parts you will learn fast.

component stick at cover tape

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 19 18:15:15 EDT 2012 | jil2000

We have a material that is been stick at cover tape, only 1 supplier is failing and only embossed tape packing is failing. A dark spots between tape and component are observed, we already bake material to se if is humidity, is not. We already apply

Pin In Hole Size

Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 18 01:23:07 EDT 2001 | gregH

I have a 10-pin single in line connector that is reflowable. Pin size is 1.0mm and my pcb drill size diameter for the pin is 1.5mm. is it okay for pin in hole process ? I have only 2 pcs of pth components and they are the 2 10 SIL connectors. What's

Moisture Sensitive part - baking

Electronics Forum | Sat Aug 25 08:39:15 EDT 2007 | gsala

If plastic Carrier Tape (CT)/ emboss tape, is made by: a)Polycarbonate material, it can withstand temperature around 120C� or may be more mantaining original dimension. b)Polystirene material, at max 45�C-50C� the CT starts to change dimensions and

Pin Through-Paste with Lead-Free

Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 04 08:34:07 EST 2007 | davef

We no advice to give you on the topic, but maybe while you're waiting for others to reply, reading a trade journal article on the topic might help. Below is a link to "Pin-in-hole reflow (PIHR) and lead-free solder joints" by David Bernard, Bob Willi

DEK pro-flow

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 16 09:30:38 EST 2007 | DEK Answer Guy

Hello PR, PumpPrint� technologies enable high throughput adhesive deposition using a screen printing platform. Careful selection of stencil material, and informed study of the design of apertures and other stencil features, enables a wide range of

Re: Selective Soldering wih Drag Machine

Electronics Forum | Fri May 22 10:43:23 EDT 1998 | Mike Konrad

You're right Earl� Drag soldering is a dead issue as far as new technology is concerned. They do, however, work for most through-hole boards� but so do wave machines. There are only two manufacturers left that still produce drag soldering machine

Re: Paste Push-Out In PP Assembly

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 20 12:49:05 EDT 2000 | Bob Willis

So far on all my trials on PIHR I have only used standard products as the paste is defined by the printing requirements for fine pitch etc. As most people will have seen you just get a heap more residues with this process and even more with lead free

Re: Selective Soldering wih Drag Machine

Electronics Forum | Mon May 25 23:26:19 EDT 1998 | Jon Gruett

I agree with Mike. They are a dead issue. As a manufacutrer's rep for many types of equipment and 11 years in the engineering field I have seen several attempts to revive the technology (if you can call that technology). Most if not all attemptds

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