Electronics Forum: 10 and zone and reflow (Page 1 of 15)

Time and temp in lead and lead-free reflow

Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 01 21:10:35 EDT 2008 | leo_dektec

You can keep only the 5th zone as the reflow zone. And lower the first two zones to keep a good ramping rate. Meanwhile,please note the ting temperature in software or control panel is not the exact temperature in your PCB, you'd better get a KIC or

Tg and reflow

Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 16 18:37:10 EST 2005 | mdemos1

Hi. I am trying to understand Tg and how it relates to reflow. With the higher temperatures of lead free, we have been looking toward laminates with a Tg of 180 instead of the current 140. My question is a little more general. In either lead free

Time and temp in lead and lead-free reflow

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 25 23:01:04 EDT 2008 | chip_flip

What paste are using? You should referance the manufactures time and temperature specification. Running lead-free in a 5 zone oven can be done with out a problem but it is not production friendly. If you are concerned with through put I would look fo

Time and temp in lead and lead-free reflow

Electronics Forum | Sat Jul 26 07:42:49 EDT 2008 | pcbbuilders

I am not very concerned about production time, but it is always a thought! Quality is more importnant of course. We have 2 different pastes, with almost identical requirements. We can get close to their profiles, but i am worried that i am spending

Reflow Temperatures and speed for a 7 zone top/bot for conceptro

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 26 04:34:49 EDT 2003 | emeto

Hi James, I saw very good posts here.Now I will give you one more practical way: 1. My advice is to encrease the temperature(like your first sidgestion). Termostress is important thing so your first zone should be 120-150C. 2. The paste profile. If

Reflow Temperatures and speed for a 7 zone top/bot for conceptro

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 17 07:17:09 EDT 2003 | James

The main problem I am having is getting the Rising slope 1-3 degrees. If I slow the conveyor down then I have too long of a reflow and if I speed it up then my ramp rate is too high. I was not sure if I need my first zones at a low temp or higher t

Reflow Temperatures and speed for a 7 zone top/bot for conceptro

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 24 09:42:52 EDT 2003 | stepheno

The temprature for the first zone should be less as the PCB entering the oven from the ambient shop floor temprature would suffer a thermal shock from a higher temp. Experience must be gained from profiling a board with thermocouples, otherwise you

Reflow Temperatures and speed for a 7 zone top/bot for conceptro

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 25 12:20:03 EDT 2003 | russ

This may make it easy, Do you really need soak? Or can you just ramp to reflow. Most pastes that I am aware of perform just as well using the linear ramp as opposed to the ramp/soak /spike. Now, out of curiosity how are you attaching the thermocou

Reflow Temperatures and speed for a 7 zone top/bot for conceptro

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 24 06:58:53 EDT 2003 | sanjeevc

Hi The temprature for the first zone should be more as the PCB entering the oven from the ambient shop floor temprature needs a higher temp.Next zone could be lower than the first zone.The ramp is a relation of conveyor speed and the temp profile.T

Reflow Temperatures and speed for a 7 zone top/bot for conceptro

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 25 18:17:48 EDT 2003 | Brian W.

Water soluble pastes generally work best with a ramp-to-spike reflow profile. Check your paste manufacturer's recommended profile. There are many factors that impact your profile; board thickness, component density, buried thermal masses, board si

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