Electronics Forum: 10-2 (Page 1 of 3)

PCB stretch

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 07 12:44:49 EDT 2017 | tsauve

The problem is registration between the stencil & the smallest pads on the 5 substrates. Using SPI s/w I can overlay the paste layer over the PCB image to determine stretch/shrink. Our worst case was shrinkage of 10.2mil on a 5-up 300mm panel - small

Agilent SJ-10 2D Solder Paste Inspection Mode

Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 07 05:12:02 EDT 2015 | emanuel

According to the manuals there is a 2D solder paste inspection mode on these machines. If anyone is using this option, please share the setup details. Thanks

Pin Hole Issue after Reflow Soldering - Passive Components

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 13 05:11:58 EST 2018 | ameenullakhan

Hi, We are using 10+2 reflow oven ( BTU Pyramax 150 ). We have tried with short TAL ( RTS profile too ). As of Now we are using the attached profile, which has given us lot better results. But the issue is not eliminated. Thanks

Kiss selective solder flux

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 22 14:19:38 EDT 2019 | gregcr

Thank you ProcEng1 Nordson sent me a flux suggestion list: No Clean: 1. Kester Select 10 2. ALPHA EF-2210 3. AIM FX-16 Water Sol: KESTER 2331-ZX Nozzle Tinning: SUPERIOR #75

I am looking for an IPC spec for intentional PCB warp

Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 23 08:31:34 EST 2014 | proceng1

I know the contract rules, but this is idiotic. I did find the 10.2.6 spec already, but I had not looked at the TM-650. I'll check that out, thanks. I also may have found another part that has a better clearance, so I also hope to use these specs

Wave Solder Troubleshooting Chart is on SMTnet now

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 11 11:11:38 EST 2002 | slthomas

Tahnk you for posting the charts. > > They look > very useful, but I have a silly question: In > reflow problems _ What is "leaching" ? Dissolution of the component metallisation into the liquid solder. _ > What is "Halo effect" ? "...a

Need an ESD Guru

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 17 20:15:12 EDT 2006 | davef

In the past, black poly was used as a bridge between pink poly and shield bags because of slightly lower cost and offering some shielding as opposed to none with pink poly. However, as the price of shield bags continue to drop the usage of black poly

I am looking for an IPC spec for intentional PCB warp

Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 22 16:20:03 EST 2014 | warwolf

Basically the contract comes first, then the design drawings then IPC. if your costumer is asking you to bend the PCB then it becomes apart of the design drawings. as for looking for a cover, get it in writing that that's what they want you to do. I

Fiber exposed on board edge

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 14 09:25:34 EST 2016 | davef

IPC-A-610F 10.2.6 Laminate Conditions - Depanelization talks to the acceptability of the depanelization criteria for assembled boards. There is no requirement for moisture sealing with epoxy or other material. Basically, the standard requires that th

loss of metalization on a Earth Pad on a chip component MPN-SBSGP5000102MXT

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 24 21:16:57 EDT 2020 | smith88

I am trying to teach a class and the question came up about loss of metalization of the Earth pad on a chip filter. This pad is on the side of the component. I can not find a IPC call out for this type of side termination other than 3 or 5 sided 9.1.

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