Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 08 12:13:56 EST 2021 | bobpan
I would not because it could be the mylar that has an issue.
Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 08 10:24:44 EST 2021 | bobpan
These machines are known for this. Keep reseating the chip on the display board. The mylar display looks pretty bad and may need replaced.
Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 08 11:52:15 EST 2021 | mendez
I spend several hours resetting both chips and no luck. I have a question: The lcd not displaying could be the main controller board? Does anyone sell parts for this machine ?
Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 08 12:06:25 EST 2021 | bobpan
Make sure the pins on the chip on the main display are not bent or tarnished...i have scraped the bottom of the legs before. I would try Reprint in UK. I think they still have parts.
Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 08 12:10:24 EST 2021 | mendez
Do you recommend soldering the chip to the available smd surface pad? Did you mean https://www.sigmaprint.co.uk/? Thanks
Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 08 12:18:40 EST 2021 | mendez
The mylar is just the keyboard and has its own connector. All the keys seems to work well (the lcd pcb has some leds and they blink when I push each key). The lcd is soldered on the display board.
Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 08 12:49:39 EST 2021 | bobpan
For some reason i remember reseating the mylar and it working but it was probably just lucky and fixed a bad connection somewhere else on the board. I know we also reseated the ribbon cable.
Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 08 13:15:23 EST 2021 | mendez
Honestly speaking, do you recommend fixing the printer? Is it very reliable? I tried calling sigmaprint.co.uk but they did not answer. The have no working links in their site and they might be out of business?
Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 08 13:31:19 EST 2021 | bobpan
I believe sigmaprint is out of business....but Reprint still has a working webpage so they should be able to help you. I like those printers but they are very old and the boards can cause intermittent problems.
Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 08 13:53:49 EST 2021 | mendez
Do you have any direct contact for reprint? Is this their site ? https://www.reprintinternational.com/