Electronics Forum: 100units (Page 1 of 1)


Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 07 10:29:24 EST 2011 | rpatel28364

we are building only 100 units and there is no scrap board available. How can we make sure without distrubing good board that BGA is flowed properly?


Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 07 10:27:50 EST 2011 | rpatel28364

We havn't done any failure analysis on this BGA. We have this information from customer. currently we dont have anything to check solderability for BGA. Only thing we rly is Profile on solder sample un populated board. Also we are building only 100 u

Automatic In-line Depanelizer

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 19 22:53:40 EDT 2006 | casey71

Dear Tim. It is nice to meet you online. I am very glad to introduce one korean company producing various depanelling machine. This company has installed more than 100 units in NOKIA mobile phone line located at Masan in Korea. If you need more i

Bare Copper Pad Reflow Soldering

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 29 23:21:51 EDT 1999 | CH Lee

I received a request from customer to assemble ceramic substrate (alumina oxide)that printed with a low temperature Copper thick film conductor (the overglaze layer is polymer). The Copper pads are exposed without any coating. This ceramic substrate

DPMO calc and Overall Manufacturing Index (OMI) calculations

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 28 12:05:42 EDT 2001 | mparker

The advantage of DPMO is that the numbers used are PPM, (Part Per Million), rather than percentage. Percentage can distort, depending on volume. For instance, 100 units processed, 25 defects found = 75 percent yield. 4 units processed, 1 defect found


Electronics Forum | Tue May 08 19:28:29 EDT 2001 | mparker

Received my copy of the standard about a month ago. Seems straightforward and gets away from the percentage nightmare. Mark Twain said it best with "There are 3 kinds of lies in this world - lies, damn lies and statistics!!" Now I have some nagging

Re: Bare Copper Pad Reflow Soldering

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 30 14:50:26 EDT 1999 | Kevin Hussey

| I received a request from customer to assemble ceramic substrate (alumina oxide)that printed with a low temperature Copper thick film conductor (the overglaze layer is polymer). The Copper pads are exposed without any coating. | This ceramic substr

Pick and place machine for small productions. Any suggestions?

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 19 15:06:39 EDT 2013 | jvadillo

We have already one desktop oven and a manual stencil printer. And we have a quite complete soldering bench with several JBC tools. We also have stock for all active elements we use. We normally relay on the PCB assembler to provide the passive comp

Re: Bare Copper Pad Reflow Soldering

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 30 16:02:49 EDT 1999 | Earl Moon

| | I received a request from customer to assemble ceramic substrate (alumina oxide)that printed with a low temperature Copper thick film conductor (the overglaze layer is polymer). The Copper pads are exposed without any coating. | | This ceramic su


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