Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 04 12:51:37 EST 2007 | Board House
Hi Chunks, Starting copper on outer layer with .0007 is 1/2 oz. copper foil. so if starting copper is .0007 and your Board house will plate an additional .0021 mils of copper. which will give you a finished copper weight of .0028 Mils or (2 oz.) Y
Electronics Forum | Tue May 27 17:09:46 EDT 2003 | davef
J-STD-001C, Table 11-1 is a good starting point.
Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 10 20:56:45 EST 2006 | davef
Implementing a Simple Corrosion Test Method to Detect "Black Pad" Phenomenon in Electroless Nickel/Immersion Gold Plating ; BabHui Lee; Circuitree 11/1/03 http://www.circuitree.com/CDA/Archives/34f2b343900f7010VgnVCM100000f932a8c0
Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 14 20:49:32 EDT 2006 | davef
We too do not use ENIG. Too expensive and risky. Implementing a Simple Corrosion Test Method to Detect "Black Pad" Phenomenon in Electroless Nickel/Immersion Gold Plating ; BabHui Lee; Circuitree 11/1/03 http://www.circuitree.com/CDA/Archives/34f2b
Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 17 14:43:35 EDT 2017 | davef
Measurement of Conformal Coating thickness on Printed Circuit Boards [ http://www.defelsko.com/applications/conformal-coating/printed-circuit-boards.htm ] I receive no benefit from the supplier mentioned above. IPC-HDBK-830A, 8.11.1 talks to measu
Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 19 10:15:36 EDT 2013 | sara_pcb
We have a PCB to be populated using reflow soldering. The board contains lead free BGA device(11x11, 1mm pitch ) and Standard SMT devices which are not lead free. Since profile temperature is different for both devices, our contract assembly house is
Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 25 03:32:58 EST 2020 | bukas
hello guys, I got a problem with MAIN START switch on Samsung CP45FV NEO. The switch itself works, and it activates contactors #1-1 #1-2 and #3 but after pressing READY button there is en error msg reporting that MAIN START has not been pressed. Alre
Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 01 09:35:52 EST 2002 | James Bartlett
MINIMUM NDSU EMEG EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATIONS (11/1/02) To serve microsensor research and development via the Center for Nano-scale Science and Engineering (CNSE), the North Dakota State University (NDSU) Electronics Manufacturing Engineering Group (EM
Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 06 21:17:35 EST 2002 | davef
One, has anyone else ever experienced and dealt with a company debate regarding whether or not your reflow ovens should or should not be calibrated? Sure, it�s an excellent debating topic. We argue about stuff like this all the time. See, somebody
Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 22 01:57:30 EDT 2002 | Bob Willis
Although the following is not true capability machine assesment I feel that monioring the process at screen print, placement, reflow and wave gives results for both design and process guys to asses thire process. The project has been running since Ma
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