Electronics Forum: 1206 concave (Page 1 of 1)

Soldering of smt Resistor Networks

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 22 06:09:20 EST 2005 | blueflag

The size is 1206 approx with concave terminals and we are using 1 to 1 appertures on 5thou screen Thanks for reply


Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 10 11:56:35 EDT 2000 | Robert Hutton-Squire

Suggestions please... I have to place a number of 1206 chip resistor arrays on the bottom side of my PCB for wave soldering. The device consists of 4 x 0603 resistors in a 1206 package. The device is available with either concave or convex terminati

Soldering of smt Resistor Networks

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 21 12:02:09 EST 2005 | Rob

Hi Colin, Are you using the 1206 package with 4 elements or one of the higher density smaller packages? With the first type you can get them in both Convex or Concave terminations, with most of the solderability problems associated with using the C

Re: reflow theta alignment

Electronics Forum | Fri May 29 20:15:15 EDT 1998 | Steve Gregory

Whoo-doggies Jason, you said a mouthfull!! (GRIN) Anyways, 'member what I said about me being a pack-rat? Guess what? I found some documentation that I've had for a while that does document the self-alignment forces that goes on when reflowing. I ha


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