Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 24 03:42:33 EDT 2006 | aj
Thanks for replies Guys, Just to let you know it was the 12v PSU.
Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 25 16:23:42 EDT 2008 | aj
Hi, Have you tried to download the MINT ?if this works you should be back in business , if not,check your PSU, which you can access from the back? check the manual as to which one powers the cards- dont have manual to hand but I think it is the 5v
Electronics Forum | Wed May 19 14:44:53 EDT 2004 | JSK
Low voltage readings on (PSU 2). should be: = is: +12V = 4.3V -12V = 8.6V +24V = 7.6V Anysuggestions? (Other than buying a new card.) Thanks, jsk
Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 25 17:09:02 EDT 2017 | tomwd
Is the computer PSU located in BM4CB unit and get the 12v/5v voltages generated from 12v/5v box via the XP5/12v cable?
Electronics Forum | Sat Feb 20 20:45:53 EST 2010 | dekhead
Sounds like you have a Switched 12V issue. Breaker on rear of Machine. Fuse in Y1 enclosure. PSU3 (on floor of) Y4 enclosure.
Electronics Forum | Sat Oct 21 19:25:42 EDT 2006 | Ola
I assuming that you already have checked the fuses? Also, check all the power: +5V, +12V, +-24V, etc. We had to change our PSU once, after a major power-drop due to a thunderstorm. But you should be ok if you can pinpoint what type of voltage you are
Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 05 21:10:32 EDT 2017 | silversurfer11
Thank you for your reply. I will attach another photo to explain. I don't really understand what they do other than they are part of the Voltage Regulator Module. What I also read on other forums was that they are potted or encapsulated and they sh
Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 27 15:14:04 EDT 2019 | dilogic
Just one more thought - we had an issue with +12V supply for VME rack. One tantalum cap in the DC/DC converter module for linear encoder interpolator shorted it out, but oddly enough - not always. We ended up hooking scope to all PSU voltages and whe
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