Electronics Forum: 15 mil squeegee (Page 1 of 68)

Re: 20 mil qfp bridging

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 12 22:38:44 EDT 1999 | Dave F

| Hello | | Having a problem with bridging on 20mil pitch qfp, only on the lead groups where squeegee goes over width of apertures. Using MPM sp-200 semi-auto, chem-etch stencil, 9-10mil width opening | 100 durometer blade. Getting "tails" on deposi

metal squeegee

Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 08 16:44:18 EST 2005 | eeltec

I am looking for Metal Squeegee blades, 15 7/8" long, angled, for a deHart stencil printer model EL-20. Can you recomend me a good and unexpensive supplier? Thanks Greg

I need 15 - 25 microns (T5) Solder Paste

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 05 17:56:30 EST 2011 | ppcbs

I am looking for a No-clean or water soluble solder paste, Sn63/Pb37 alloy, 15 - 25 microns (T5). I need to print with a 4.8 mil stencil opening. Does anyone know where I can get 250 to 500 grams in one week or less?

Rheopump vs. squeegee

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 13 13:50:49 EDT 2001 | DaveG

I don't have any actual "hard" data to give on improvements but, I can share some experiences with you. What we noticed when we implemented the Rheo pump was: No more solder "skips" on our boards, Improved print quality on our BGA's & 16mil fine pitc

Rheopump vs. squeegee

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 13 15:14:47 EDT 2001 | vance

Any solder paste reccommendations?

Rheopump vs. squeegee

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 14 15:39:53 EDT 2001 | vance66

How long was your downtime on the install?

Rheopump vs. squeegee

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 14 15:19:07 EDT 2001 | vance66

Thanks, I'd appreciate an actual time. How long was your downtime per rheopump install? I heard about 1 1/2 weeks per head. That included training as well.

DEK 248 squeegee error

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 15 21:52:06 EST 2013 | nikyta

Most likely it is a faulty cable in the e-chain . You can test it in diagnostic: lower the back squeege and manually move back and forth for its entire travel the print carriage while monitoring the sensor output of the squeege. You will see at some

Rheopump vs. squeegee

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 15 16:18:28 EDT 2001 | Dave G

Timed an actual Change today. It took about 6 min to actually change the head and then about a 2 minutes to start printing again after installing the new stencil & loading the program for the next PCB. The whole thing including stencil swap out & pr

20 mil qfp bridging

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 12 18:43:49 EDT 1999 | Wayne S.

Hello Having a problem with bridging on 20mil pitch qfp, only on the lead groups where squeegee goes over width of apertures. Using MPM sp-200 semi-auto, chem-etch stencil, 9-10mil width opening 100 durometer blade. Getting "tails" on deposits. Trie

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