Electronics Forum: 1800i (Page 1 of 1)

Seeking very low volume production reflow oven

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 26 13:30:35 EDT 2006 | pfifla1

i have a working 4zone novastar 1800 i can sell for $5500. wont get hot enough for lead free but will get you through till you get around to buy a high temp oven.

Selecting pick and place machine (comparison/personal experience/sales pitches)

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 29 14:46:14 EDT 2021 | mishafockin

We currently have Yamaha/Assembleon Opal with heller 1800. I think we can start with just a printer and PnP. I am open to a refurb printer but would like to get a new PnP. I understand it costs a minifortune but working out bugs and lack of maintenan

Please Help: Pace TF 1800 or Finetech CorePlus

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 01 13:40:38 EDT 2019 | lapskrfc

Hi all, I'm thinking of adding a high-end rework station to my lab. Budget-wise I can basically afford all the solutions from Finetech, Pace, Ersa, and others. However, I'm not sure which one to go with. I'm considering Finetech Core-plus and Pace


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