Electronics Forum: 2

MELF component/solder failure

Electronics Forum | Thu May 01 13:58:14 EDT 2003 | bremerg

Gentlemen, Does anyone have any failure information on IRC, CHP2-100-R500F (5 OHM, 2W, 1%) resistors. We have experienced two failures on the same circuit board where the metalization on the component separated from the component causing an open ci

DPAK land pattern

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 29 10:51:20 EST 2002 | lsmith

The IPC-EM-782 reads as follows: the adjustment factor is usually intended to increase the Z dimension slightly, but brings the Z maximum up to an even equivalent. Example if Zmax is 2.100mm then you would enter an adjustment factor of .100mm. The ad

Philips CSM

Electronics Forum | Sun May 18 19:04:54 EDT 2008 | jmelson

OK, here's a sample component file : 1 0.1uF 0.00 1 24 1.00K 0.00 1 22 10.0K 0.00 1 3 1000pF 0.00 1 3 .001uF 0.00 1 25 1.0uF 0.00 1 2 100pF 0.00 1 30 10M 0.00

Mirtec programming discussion

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 05 10:59:30 EDT 2010 | methos1979

I have had my system for three weeks now. It is an MV3L. It is running version 4.5.0 build 2.1.2 software and it is very stable. I have not had a single crash. We are not a board manufacturer but rather use our system to inspect both populated an


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