Electronics Forum: 2.4 (Page 1 of 21)

Juki optimisation

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 23 19:50:57 EDT 2007 | Frank

Possible head combinations to pick from multiple 12, 16, or 24mm feeders. Note: you can not mix feeder sizes for simultaneous picks. KE-2010 and KE-2050 will use 1&3, 2&4, or 1&4 KE-2020 and KE-2060 will use 1,3,R or 2,4,R or 1,4,R I prefer to s

Mydata Users

Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 25 16:44:12 EDT 2006 | russ

Why do you want to switch?, are you having problems with 2.2 that you know 2.4 will fix?

Measure Adhesive Properties of Solder Paste

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 06 04:37:21 EST 2009 | janz

Tack test - follow IPC standard TM650 #2.4.44. Regards Janz

GSM2 will not zero - Theta1 following error

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 09 12:47:56 EST 2010 | swag

Refer to the thread started by Deni on 2/4/10. Your problem is similar.

Universal GSM1 UPS Rev. 1.4

Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 26 03:00:15 EDT 2000 | armin

Hi, Anybody there running GSM1 UPS Rev 1.4 with OS/2 4.0 Warp ? We have OS/2 2.11 and we plan to upgrade to OS/2 4.0 Warp. I'm afraid of some incompatibility issues might occur. Please feedback any incompatibility issues you encountered in case you h

Pull Test

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 15 16:08:02 EDT 2001 | davef

A properly formed solder connection is stronger than the underlying copper to laminate bond. Measuring pad peal strength: IPC-TM-650, Method 2.4.21 for multiple solderings, use Method 2.4.8 for copper peal using an Instron machine. Typical requiremen

Black Pad

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 10 22:10:58 EST 2006 | davef

Muse We don't believe that the IPC TM-650 Test Methods Manual, 2.4.1E, Adhesion, Tape Testing--5/04 [ http://www.ipc.org/4.0_Knowledge/4.1_Standards/test/2.4.1E.pdf ] that you refer to is a "black pad" test. We think it's a method for testing the a

Mydata Users

Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 25 15:46:47 EDT 2006 | JEM

Trying to convince management to buy TPSys 2.4 software upgrade for MY-12 and My15 machine. Currently running 2.2 ver. Any mydata user's out there explain how my company would benefit jumping from ver 2.2 to ver 2.4. I think the cost is $1200 per m

Mydata Users

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 26 07:49:49 EDT 2006 | jemills

No problems with ver 2.2 that I'm aware of. I'm in process eng. and part of my job is review the machine's capabilities. From what i read, Ver 2.3 & 2.4 software was designed to speed up setups and changeovers.I understand the auto teach functions is

Looking for a high quality HDI PCB house

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 12 11:06:53 EDT 2015 | booth

Hi Scott, Mark Wang just manufactured a 8L(2+4+2) HDI pcb prototypes for me,the PCBs min trace width/space is 2.75/3mil,I worried about the quality very much when I place the pcb job to Mark.but in fact,the 8L(2+4+2) pcb's quality is very nice,I w

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