Electronics Forum: 2.5.6 (Page 1 of 2)

What is 'toe down configuration' IPC-A-610D?

Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 10 20:54:09 EDT 2007 | raychamp007

Dear Friend, Can any one explain what is 'toe down configuration' stated in IPC-A-610D? Can any one here to explain in more details. Thanks

What is 'toe down configuration' IPC-A-610D?

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 11 08:36:23 EDT 2007 | davef

IPC-A-610D refers to 'toe down configuration' several times, beyond the that you question. Although none will add to your understanding of 'toe down'. A lead that is 'toe down' is one where the foot of the lead is not parallel to the pad. T

Heel bend wetting for Gull Wing lead

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 12 21:54:05 EDT 2007 | davef

We'd say yes, if it meets both and

Heel bend wetting for Gull Wing lead

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 12 20:44:58 EDT 2007 | raychamp007

If the solder joint meeting, minimum side joint length(D) and also meeting, minimum heel fillet height (F) but the heel fillet NOT extend to the mid point of outside bend. It is acceptable?

What is 'toe down configuration' IPC-A-610D?

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 12 08:16:19 EDT 2007 | davef

Toe down solution: * Land pattern design * Solder stencil design * Proper component fabrication Normal gull wing lead solder requirement: Solder must extend to the mid-point of the outside of the lead bend.

Modems reflow mistake

Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 12 15:51:47 EDT 2015 | davef

IPC-A-610E-2010, Acceptability of Electronic Assemblies, 8.3.4 Castellated Terminations talks to the acceptability of solder connections on components like yours. It’s tough to say from the pictures, but I’d say your issues are: Missing solder: Plat

What is 'toe down configuration' IPC-A-610D?

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 12 01:35:13 EDT 2007 | Haris

IPC-A-610D is a Acceptability of the Electronic assemblies so all your questions depends on the product classes either 1,2,or 3 and it is given in this standard about the acceptablity criteria of the soldering of any type of the components i.e. it h

Heel bend wetting for Gull Wing lead

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 12 20:32:31 EDT 2007 | davef

On one hand, nothing in that states that you need a heel fillet. It only talks to the length of the side fillet. On the other hand, we suggest that you should use to determine if your heel fillet is acceptable, after you have determ

Heel bend wetting for Gull Wing lead

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 13 07:25:06 EDT 2007 | davef

Your paste should meet the mid-point of outside lead bend. If you cannot meet that, IPC-A-610D, defines the minimum. We agree that it gets confusing when you post multiple threads on the same or very similar topic.

What is 'toe down configuration' IPC-A-610D?

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 12 00:25:25 EDT 2007 | raychamp007

Thanks davef! We found some SOIC & QFP with all leads having toe down problem. The heel fillet unable extend to the mid point outside bend. Do you have solutions for the problem? I have a question: How about the normal gull wing lead which is flat &

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