Electronics Forum: 2.board support (Page 1 of 1)

Regarding BGA Pad Lifting

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 10 10:12:35 EST 2016 | vaghelarajeshh

Thanks Mr. Davef, I had tried all possible factors to see good results. BUt I coudln't. 1. Baked Board 2. Board size is small. I used supporting pins so there is less chanches of bowing. 3. I tried to change the profile many times but result is n

Solder Balls

Electronics Forum | Thu May 09 10:00:19 EDT 2002 | brianockert

I'd tend to agree with what the others have said. Check the basics, board supports, setup, wiper paper working correctly. If it's a humidity issue, try taking some paste, place it on a chem wipe, and roll it around a bit, which removes some of the mo

Samsung CP20

Electronics Forum | Wed May 21 15:13:56 EDT 2014 | wendynguyen234

Sarason, thank you very much for your support. There is an ISA interface board with just ribbon cable from window 95 PC to VME I/O DPRAM ver. 2 board in the same VME rack that has MVME-162-110 (CPU board), DSP, ADDA, AXIS & CONT boards. Do you think

Tombstoning 0201

Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 27 10:53:24 EDT 2021 | majdi4

Thank you all for your quick reply ! the problem is solved without making any intervention on line .. 0% defect rate for the moment .. for all of you who said "try rotating the board 180 °", we can't do that because the panel contains 2 boards head t


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