Electronics Forum: 2.ip3 (Page 1 of 1)

Re: fuji machin

Electronics Forum | Sun Aug 29 09:03:00 EDT 1999 | Kenny Chew

Looking to purchases: GL-2, GL5, GL541E CP4-3, CP-6 IP-2, IP-3

Fuji Pick and Place Machines

Electronics Forum | Mon May 10 17:21:03 EDT 2004 | smt..

I work with Fuji equipment For over 10yrs�. Cp3, cp4.cp6.cp7, ip1, ip2, ip3, qp341, qp242, qp351. Also, work with MYDATA, SAMSUN, and QUAD AMISTAR�. Fuji is the best in my opinion.

Fuji Pick and Place Machines

Electronics Forum | Mon May 10 17:21:08 EDT 2004 | smt..

I work with Fuji equipment For over 10yrs�. Cp3, cp4.cp6.cp7, ip1, ip2, ip3, qp341, qp242, qp351. Also, work with MYDATA, SAMSUN, and QUAD AMISTAR�. Fuji is the best in my opinion.

Misplaced QFP240 component

Electronics Forum | Wed May 17 03:00:45 EDT 2000 | Avichai Ramot

I have shifts in the placement of qfp240 components. I have this problem with al my IC machines: Fuji-Ip2,Ip3 ,siemens F-4.

Wide or Narrow view?

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 03 13:37:19 EST 2012 | comando

Ok, I'm technical at Napco Security System production factory Dom. Rep. there are 13 line with CP43, IP2, IP3, GL5 etc. Camera #2 don't work at one IP3 and We can't pay Fuji specialist but we have to calibrate it, I chane the camera but i don't know


Electronics Forum | Thu May 18 23:22:44 EDT 2000 | Micah Newcomb

Jerry, Contact FujiAmerica and ask for their newest product Guide. Some differences are..... IP2 - SMD1 vision (back lighting only, coplanarity check optional) IP3 - SMD3 vision (back, front, coplanarity check optional) IP3 - BGA transport, I

Re: Not picking from MTU

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 10 12:06:59 EST 1998 | Steve Herring

Larry, We place QFP240's all the time with our 2 IP-3's. If you provide your e-mail or fax number, I can send you the PD that we use for our QFP's. Steve | Here is a good one for ya. Our IP3's MTU will not pick QFP240's out of cavities, 10, 12,

Re: Not picking from MTU

Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 11 09:00:04 EST 1998 | To Steve Herring

Steve, The PD isn't the problem. The QFP240's place fine. It is just that dont pick from cavities 10, 12, 13, and 15. When the sub-robot picks from the other cavities, they place fine. The robot comes down over the above listed cavities, but does

Flason SMT Products

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 04 00:01:59 EDT 2018 | gaintstar

Flason SMT FUJI Pick and Place Machine: http://www.flason-smt.com/product/FUJI-Chip-Mounter-SMT-spare-parts-A10395-Fiber-Amplifier.html http://www.flason-smt.com/product/FUJI-Chip-Mounter-SMT-spare-parts-Amplifier-A1038t.html http://www.flason-smt.co


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