Electronics Forum: 2.pick 2.place machines (Page 1 of 3)

Series or parallel machines

Electronics Forum | Sat Nov 24 09:35:37 EST 2012 | rmazenha

Hi, i have 2 pick&place machines. which configuration is better: put 2 in series or parallel? Thanks

smt machines function

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 20 11:52:07 EDT 2005 | Amol

there are various SMT machines 1. Stencil Printer 2. Pick and Place machine 3. Reflow ovens 4. Automatic optical Inspection machines start with visitng Stencil printer websites like MPM, DEK etc. Pick and Place -- Univesal instruments, Mydata, Fuji

Juki Parallel pickup not working

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 02 13:58:23 EDT 2022 | jojoled

Hi Thomas, Seems your machines do what I am looking for. Slight time delay between 2picks is OK,( because the software is not made in multithread way), that is OK.....I just want to have 1x definition of the component in placement data and Component

PLCC LED placement issues

Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 04 21:18:23 EST 2009 | isd_jwendell

I only have first-hand experience with 2 pick-n-place machines, but both used a small pressure puff to insure part release. I haven't seen any software settings for this, but a small solenoid valve was dedicated to the operation. I recommend you look

LED sticking into carrier tape

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 01 11:09:44 EDT 2017 | mmjm_1099

Can you supply the following information to help with your question. 1. MFG P/N 2. Pick and Place machine being used 3. Type of nozzle and feeder being used on machine. We place a wide variety of LEDs and had similar issues and have to use custom

Fiducial Recognition

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 10 15:21:46 EDT 2010 | tanderson

I'm having problems with Quad QSP-2 pick n place machines recognizing fiducials. We are cleaning the fiducials, but that's tedious and time consuming ( I don't know anyone who routinely cleans them). We have solder mask clearance around the fiducials

Universal GSM

Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 03 10:52:32 EDT 2014 | rgduval

Thanks for the suggestion, Arifa. However, it doesn't look like any of these are for the Universal Instruments GSM2 pick and place machine. The Keller-Druck link is for a GPRS Modem with a datalogger. The Sparkfun and Cybrotech sites seem to be

Panasert mvf2 pick and place error

Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 16 19:19:59 EST 2022 | gabriel1blue

Hi guys. I have an old panasert pick and place machine that I'm trying to get working, but now we encounter an error after we power up the machine but when we try to complete origin process. Everything completes the process except for DST-PSOI and af

Placement on 180 degrees rotated (Mirrored) panel on Universal Instrument equipment

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 13 02:52:44 EDT 2018 | directx995

Machines don't have any kinda of local correction on specific offset on PCB, you can only edit main board and it will reflect on all other offsets in panel. For some high running projects we merged 2 pick and places into one (for example 0 degree rot

smt basics

Electronics Forum | Tue May 04 10:59:23 EDT 2004 | Evtimov

Hi, It depends of your boards(are they for SMD or not) and how many boards you assemble. The process at all is like that: 1.Stencil printer - to adjust the paste 2. Pick and place machine(for your quantity) 3.Reflow oven Theese are the machines you

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