Electronics Forum: 2.pick 2.place trouble shooting (Page 1 of 1)

IP2 placing parts shifted after servo fixed?

Electronics Forum | Fri May 01 16:04:17 EDT 2009 | jimmyboz

I found your ealier thread, when you swapped amps for trouble-shooting, as a rule of thumb, always swap them back, otherwise, you may introduce a new unexperienced problem. The original problem, (Z2 according to the thread) will not influence H1 unl

Panasert mvf2 pick and place error

Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 16 19:19:59 EST 2022 | gabriel1blue

Hi guys. I have an old panasert pick and place machine that I'm trying to get working, but now we encounter an error after we power up the machine but when we try to complete origin process. Everything completes the process except for DST-PSOI and af

IP2 placing parts shifted after servo fixed?

Electronics Forum | Mon May 04 14:24:12 EDT 2009 | jimmyboz

Ok, So, If all the servo amps on H1 remained on H1 and the amp you changed is on H2, I have to guess the shifting on H1 is unrelated to the servo prob. Is the shifting unsolderable? if it just looks bad but will reflow, it may have been occurring f


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