Electronics Forum: 2.with agilis feeders magazines (Page 1 of 3)

MyData TM8FC magazines

Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 26 12:29:54 EDT 2006 | CL

JMills, The white clip that I refer to is for the Agilis feeder system. The actual clips (feeders) are color coded. As far as the timing on the TM8's, I received a proceedure from Mydata several years ago but had reverted to submitting the feeder ba

Sticky Pressure sealed tape used with Mycronics Agilis feeders

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 27 15:14:53 EST 2020 | SMTA-Alex

This happens with either old tape, the cover tape doesn't stay sealed on the left side, or is the seal is too far to the right, the knife lifts the cover tape. There isn't much you can do in this case. Your choices are: switch the component into an A

Agilis Feeders

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 29 17:19:34 EDT 2002 | Jimmy

The Agilis feeders perform as advertised after having them in use for several months. They significantly reduce the time it takes to load and unload feeders and don't require maintenance and calibration (unlike traditional feeders and the older Mydat

Vibration Feeders

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 07 11:03:07 EDT 2014 | dyoungquist

The new stick magazine he references is the ASM (Agilis Stick Magazine). I have experience running both the vibration mags and the ASM. The ASMs are far better than the old vibe mags. You may have to upgrade your TPSys software to use the ASM but

Mydata Agilis Feeders

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 07 07:09:38 EST 2005 | cyber_wolf

We currently have agilis feeders and TM8 magazines for our Mydata machines. Our operators and set up people seem to dis-like the agilis feeders. When you set up a reel that already has the overlay tape peeled free from the carrier it gets in the way


Electronics Forum | Sat Nov 20 12:10:37 EST 2021 | bk

Yes, you can run tm magazines on my machines but with the hydra heads they are not quite as accurate and miss pick more parts then agilis feeders. Mycronics does sell dual head machines with 2 midas heads and 2 sets of hydras

Mydata 100 test fixture

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 23 15:35:18 EST 2015 | taborheiking

So I'm in Maintenance and I've been getting a lot of component feeder magazines back that have faulty circuit boards etc and I was wondering if there was anyone out there who has made a desk top test fixture for any of the Agilis or TMD Magazines or

Agilis Feeders

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 26 15:24:31 EDT 2002 | cyber_wolf

I am not real sure whether they are cool or not.I know a couple of the tech guys there pretty well, and they swear its the next best thing to buttered popcorn. One thing I do know for a fact: They will not give you a magazine to try them out.

Prototype SMT & Ltd Prod Line Choices & Advice

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 17 18:17:06 EDT 2008 | dyoungquist

If you update the MyData TP machine with the latest version of the TPSys software you can use Agilis feeders (and magazines) on a TP machine. Of course, they will charge you to do that.

Agilis Feeders

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 26 13:29:58 EDT 2002 | dougt

I just read a blurb about the new feeder in a previous thread and was just wondering if these are the greatest things next to sliced bread like they claim it to be. From what I can see in the magazine add it looks like the cover tape is pealed and r

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