Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 12 11:06:05 EDT 2006 | pavel_murtishev
Good afternoon, I'm very sorry for commercial post, but... We are seeking for supplier of used equipment for planar technological process (equipment for producing of microelectronic chips) in the US. Please let me know if you know anyone. Thanks in
Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 12 22:34:33 EDT 2006 | davef
Bob: Did you know that soldering equipment suppliers make these things that they call 'rework equipment'? This equipment employ these wacky pieces of metal, sized to each particular component, called 'nozzles'. Manufacturing companies use this rewo
Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 19 10:58:59 EST 2006 | bobpan
Doesn't Karl Mohor with KTI still service the equipment down there???
Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 03 23:26:40 EDT 2006 | grantp
Hi, Bit late for the sales thing, I think. Grant
Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 06 00:19:35 EST 2006 | fastek
Paul- Do yourself and more importantly your company a big favor...don't post.
Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 06 14:57:19 EST 2006 | slthomas
Can't you just change the MODE setting to "new" er sumthin'?
Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 04 09:44:11 EST 2006 | PWH
Try looking at "Fortress" or "APC" uninteruptable power supplies (UPS).
Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 04 10:52:25 EST 2006 | james
Thanks I have a call into Tyco, hopefully they can help.
Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 16 10:42:49 EST 2006 | pjc
Try Ed Fortuna at IRT 603-759-2953 or http://www.tndservice.com/ These are for the wave bye the way.
Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 25 13:27:19 EST 2006 | Rich M
Universal PTH equipment is hands down the best.