Electronics Forum: 2013 benchtop (Page 1 of 1)

What is the best Low Volume Reflow System

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 07 11:46:25 EST 2013 | jasowiii

Does anyone have advice about the best low volume (hopefully under $10K) reflow system for SN96 or SAC305 solder? We recently purchased a benchtop IR oven and it is not working well. Jim

YesTech F1 speed

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 19 14:54:41 EDT 2013 | dontfeedphils

I suppose I worded that poorly, we run a B2 bench-top unit later on in the process (QA area to be exact) so it isn't in line with anything and doesn't have to keep up with anything feeding it upstream. And we run Juki equipment.

Recommended Reflow Benchtop Oven

Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 02 03:58:46 EDT 2013 | raqz

Thank you very much for your comments. I highly appreciate your opinions. Does this mean that batch oven are no good? Not even one? I am still hoping that there is at least one batch oven that you can recommend. Thanks!

Recommended Reflow Benchtop Oven

Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 30 22:14:58 EDT 2013 | isd_jwendell

I have used the 850's previous version (and other batch ovens). The current specified was AFTER the unit was at operating temperature, not what it took to warm up. If you have power restrictions, like I do, be careful with this model. Having used ba

Pick and place machine for small productions. Any suggestions?

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 20 00:22:41 EDT 2013 | jvadillo

Thanks for the comment regarding the CPH. In fact, the benchtop oven we have takes 7 minutes to complete a batch soldering, so you can imagine that our production volume will not be very high. We can parallelize PCB assembly and oven phase. But defi


Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 04 05:22:14 EST 2013 | dselettronic

Good morning everyone I have read postings about Mirtec AOI, but they're not recent, so I'd like to know something about your experiences with Mirtec Benchtop MV-3. Our inspection department has now 3 MV-2HTL and we tried to make them as useful as po

Mirtec Training Request

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 06 13:45:39 EST 2013 | phase1

Is there alot more to training than what the manuals spec out? The machine came with training outlines that seem to be a condensed form for programming everything from chips to fine pitch etc. Im not sure if this doccument came from Mirtec or the com

Recommended Reflow Benchtop Oven

Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 30 03:59:18 EDT 2013 | spoiltforchoice

For "Production" none of the above or any of this type. These little batch oven are for small labs and prototyping houses, even the best ones have only limited control over the reflow process. None of them are intended for the repeated serial use you

Recommended Reflow Benchtop Oven

Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 30 02:12:19 EDT 2013 | raqz

Hi! I have been studying the reflow process. And now, I am researching for a recommended reflow oven that can process a small to low-medium production SMT soldering. For the experts in the reflow field, please recommend a reliable reflow oven. Here

Pick and place machine for small productions. Any suggestions?

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 18 19:38:33 EDT 2013 | jvadillo

Hi all! after hours of manual hand soldering and after spending thousands of euros subcontracting PCB assembly, we have decided to buy a fully automated pick&place machine. Our main assembly requirements are 0805/0603 for passives and TQFP-64


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