Electronics Forum: 201nozzle 2008 2012 (Page 1 of 1)

question about reflow- it it ever a long term solution?

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 03 02:42:37 EDT 2012 | kq702

Hi I did a reflow on an HP laptop a while back- it was a DV6000 series. The original problem was the internet stopped working- turns out the south bridge chipset was causing the issue (its a very common issue I found out after searching online). Some

Damaged PCB.. what do you think?

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 16 10:04:41 EDT 2012 | davef

We'd repair a drop board like this. Here's what our old friend Jeff Ferry said is a published article ... When boards lose their edge: when the corner of a circuit board breaks or is damaged, the problem cannot be ignored by Jeff Ferry One of the m


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