Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 30 13:26:55 EST 2020 | atpico
Hello Dave, Thank you. I certainly look on Used Equipment Mart section. The question was if Gen 1 feeders/trolleys worth to invest or better try to buy EP Gen 2 feeders/trolleys even if significantly much expensier/rare on used machines market.
Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 23 02:16:46 EST 2020 | davef
Used Equipment Mart [nav bar on the left margin of your screen] * SMTnet > Used Euipment Mart > RFQ [nav bar on the left margin of your screen]
Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 22 17:32:17 EST 2020 | atpico
We are looking to buy a 2nd hand Europlacer p-n-p. We would be very grateful to have a real production competent opinion about EP feeders/trolleys Questions: 1. generally how good/bad are older (Gen1, Gen2) Europlacer feeders and trolleys systems
Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 22 07:51:28 EDT 2020 | spoiltforchoice
> I would have thought the other way. We are > currently using 2 CP642s for high volume and they > are doing an excellent job. Electronic feeders > are too expensive and we don't see any benefit > for that expense. I imagine it
Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 04 10:36:10 EST 2014 | charliedci
We have a KE2060, 2080 and an older 750. All of these use same feeder trolleys. I presume the 2020 and 1070 also offer same trolley compatibility. If machines are not set up for trolleys, you will need conversion kits to utilize trolleys, which sho
Electronics Forum | Sat Mar 25 16:27:51 EST 2006 | Frank
I would rather keep my Juki KE-2060. It runs faster, do larger boards, and can place a wider range of components when compared to the Opal. Also, I have trolleys on front and rear, without losing any feeder locations. Why can't you put trolleys on
Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 27 15:21:37 EST 2014 | idscraigsmith
My company uses a Juki KE-2020L and a Juki KE-1070L pick and place. I am trying to locate feeder trolley's with feeder banks that would be compatible with these machines but am having a hard time finding anything. Anyone have suggestions of where t
Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 29 03:40:06 EST 2006 | Frank
The Juki 2060 can have both front and rear trolleys and you do not loose any feeder locations. My question was why can't the Assembleon put trolley on the rear? I recently visited a friend at a company that used a lot of Assembleon and compared run
Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 29 15:45:20 EDT 2020 | spoiltforchoice
Yeah my issue with the CLM945 type single slot feeders used for parts over 6mm is they index forwards using a tiny servo attached to some gears that pull on the cover tape. A system that begs to fail, the tape can stretch, the gears can start grabbin
Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 23 19:50:57 EDT 2007 | Frank
Possible head combinations to pick from multiple 12, 16, or 24mm feeders. Note: you can not mix feeder sizes for simultaneous picks. KE-2010 and KE-2050 will use 1&3, 2&4, or 1&4 KE-2020 and KE-2060 will use 1,3,R or 2,4,R or 1,4,R I prefer to s