Electronics Forum: 2020 pilot 24heads (Page 1 of 1)

Juki optimisation

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 23 19:50:57 EDT 2007 | Frank

Possible head combinations to pick from multiple 12, 16, or 24mm feeders. Note: you can not mix feeder sizes for simultaneous picks. KE-2010 and KE-2050 will use 1&3, 2&4, or 1&4 KE-2020 and KE-2060 will use 1,3,R or 2,4,R or 1,4,R I prefer to s

advice on used PnP

Electronics Forum | Sat Jun 27 15:37:15 EDT 2020 | spoiltforchoice

rx8pilot has one of those - long thread here https://www.eevblog.com/forum/reviews/finally-have-a-pick-and-place-on-the-way-quad-ivc/ Clearly the platform itself is very well made although some of the weird debugging codes and errors posted on this


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