Electronics Forum: 2050-60 aqueous cleaning system (Page 1 of 13)

batch aqueous cleaning equipment

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 26 09:58:34 EDT 2007 | ccross

I am looking for a batch aqueous cleaning system and am looking for equipment recommendations. Thanks

PCB cleaning system

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 17 12:36:32 EDT 2017 | aqueous

Aqueous Technologies (that's us) www.aqueoustech.com Austin American Technology www.aat-corp.com Technical Devices www.technicaldev.com Hope this helps! Mike konrad@aqueoustech.com

Automatic stencil cleaning system

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 05 14:06:41 EST 2024 | mistrthou

We don't own one, I'm a bit interested to see what you end up with. We do have a triden pcb wash, and I know Aqueous Technologes makes a lineup of misprint and stencil cleaners. We had an engineer in from Zestron chemical company, and while they don

cleaning PCB's

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 10 20:39:06 EST 2006 | aqueous

Of course there are solvents which are less harmful to the environment than others. The operative phrase is �less harmful�. As a rule, water-based chemistries are �greener� than solvents. There are some solvent blends designed for aqueous-based eq

AQ-400 SMT-400CL pcb Cleaning system

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 16 21:42:29 EDT 2010 | aqueous

Aqueous Technologies would be glad to send you a manual. Product registration is now free. Upon registration, Aqueous Technologies will send you manuals (electronic copies) at no charge. Service is available on a charge basis. Mike Konrad Aqueou

cleaning PCB's

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 10 14:04:38 EST 2006 | Mike Konrad

Flashback time� Vapor degreasers, although still used in limited applications, no longer represent the conventional wisdom (due to multiple environmental issues). Aqueous-based technologies are the most common method of defluxing. Unlike most va

Printed Circuit wash system

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 01 21:40:04 EDT 2008 | davef

Vapor degreasing systems * Thermal Equipment [Baron-Blakeslee]; Torrance, CA; thermalequipment.com * Exselect Engineering; Concord, ON CAN; exselect.com * Branson Ultrasonics; Danbury, CT; bransoncleaning.com * Greco Brothers; Providence, RI; grecob

AQ-400 SMT-400CL pcb Cleaning system

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 12 12:00:49 EST 2010 | joeherz

Aqueous Tech has a very reasonable equipment registration program. I think $750 was what we paid. With that you get phone support and I'd bet you can get copies of the manuals you need. It would likely be worth it when compared to the time you cou

Stainless Steel in wash system

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 14 09:29:41 EDT 2001 | ksfacinelli

The biggest concern I have is appearance to customers. You open a cleaning system and it looks worse than your shower after a month of scale buildup. I guess Alpha has two different product to combat this problem. I am going to give them both a

Stainless Steel in wash system

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 19 11:32:17 EDT 2001 | Mike Konrad

Hi Kevin, Sorry for the delay in responding to your question. I have been trapped in Australia (not a bad place to be trapped I may add). The scale in your cleaner is not usually caused by the chemical used in the wash cycle (although Armakleen ha

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