Electronics Forum: 20deg problem (Page 1 of 1)

fillets on fine pitch parts/poor wetting

Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 06 15:47:49 EST 2002 | bpan

Hello All, Having a problem during reflow and would like your opinions. We are using Kester r562 water soluble paste and I am using a Kic 2000 profiler in a 4 zone oven (top only). We are seeing poor wetting or fillets that are not "passable" per IPC

SMT Rework Systems

Electronics Forum | Sun Mar 04 11:15:41 EST 2007 | Jim

>We have looked at a few, and some use the removal time to >>calculate the placement time, which seems like a good idea. The problem with this method is that you can't develop an accurate removal/installation profile. You are removing a component a

Palladium finish and solder balls

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 27 11:22:03 EDT 2002 | robbied

Hi there. We have had an out of control reflow oven that has allowed its temperature to fluctuate by up to +/- 20 deg C from set point in very short periods of time. We found the root cause of the problem and fixed it, but by then we had already run

Profiling board

Electronics Forum | Thu May 23 12:27:53 EDT 2002 | johnw

yngwie, are you getting a wave from the customer to say it's not your fault you fried the parts? Profiling's one of those things that is a pain to dobut it's one of the most important factors in the assembly processes. I've read and seen instances w


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