Electronics Forum: 20hp 20hp 120e (Page 1 of 1)

What material to use for component staking?

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 18 15:07:12 EST 2010 | mikesewell

Usually the print specifies the material since the design is qualified with it in place. I've used several from Scotchweld 2216, Scotchweld DP190, Hysol E-20HP, to NASA outgassing qualified Masterbond 10HT.

Black Pad

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 25 08:29:08 EDT 2003 | davef

We accept your plea of innocence, but be careful. See, there is always someone out there trying to trick you. Here are some pretty good articles: 8 Black pad articles: 8a Nick Biunno's article: http://www.nukcg.org/downloadfiles/Hadco%20on%20Immers

Black pad on BGA after removal

Electronics Forum | Thu May 05 09:46:04 EDT 2005 | davef

Board fab, Defects, Pad coatings, Gold black plague articles 1 Nick Biunno's article: http://www.nukcg.org/downloadfiles/Hadco%20on%20Immersion%20Gold%20failures.pdf 2 George Milad's article: http://www.circuitree.com/ct/cda/articleinformation/featu

Black Pads

Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 11 16:25:04 EDT 2006 | realchunks

Board fab, Defects, Pad coatings, Gold black plague articles 1 Nick Biunno's article: http://www.nukcg.org/downloadfiles/Hadco%20on%20Immersion%20Gold%20failures.pdf 2 George Milad's article: http://www.circuitree.com/ct/cda/articleinformation/featu


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