Electronics Forum: 20k laser repair (Page 1 of 4)

Scratches in Juki laser

Electronics Forum | Fri May 05 02:22:39 EDT 2017 | beckysu

Our company supply repair service for JUKI lasers, sorry for disturb you, may you need it in the future. Have a nice day. Best Regards, Becky Su becky(at)hysmt(dot)cn

Quad 4C laser align calibration

Electronics Forum | Fri May 27 09:27:56 EDT 2016 | bobpan

Glad I can help....if you have any other questions...go to my web page @ www.precision-repairs.com Bob

Repair a BTU VIP70 or buy a new HELLER??

Electronics Forum | Sat Nov 04 14:33:13 EST 2006 | Jim

Really . . . 40,000 Euro for a new Heller 7 zone oven? Sounds too good to be true. Anyway, if thats the case I would not invest 20K to reapir a 10 year old oven.

Flex Singulation

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 07 04:58:59 EDT 2005 | Rob

If by singulation you mean depanelising then the following: Press with steel rule die & plate - approx $500 for tooling Not particularly accurate, and needs replacing regularly, can be modified very easily Press with die tool - approx $10k-20K too

DEK 265GSX Vision Error 1

Electronics Forum | Sun May 02 17:58:21 EDT 2010 | bruceb

When my DEK 265GSX boots I get a vision error1 and am asked to reinitialize. I cannot get into mainenance mode to troubleshoot. DEK told me over the phone that I have a bad Cognex card and it would be $20k to repair. This is crazy, has anyone seen th

DEK 265GSX Vision Error 1

Electronics Forum | Mon May 03 08:09:04 EDT 2010 | Jeff

Power up your machine and look at the vision card. If it has a red light then there is a problem with it. 20k is way to much to spend to fix this. I've sent out two cards for repairs in the past and got them fixed for $2200 each. If you want more inf

MPM spare parts

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 16 22:51:06 EDT 2016 | aemery

Sorry I didn't catch your message sooner! 20k is way to much. The odds of you having 3 bad platens and 3 bad forcer motors would be very unlikely, unless the machine was sitting outside or something. If it is a 10 year old AP then I assume it must

Stencil Fiducial Repair

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 23 13:28:55 EDT 2009 | pnguyvu

Hi PPM! Have your stencil house mark fid with laser machine - that how we use to have fid mark once it marked with laser it last very long time like stencil's life. Good luck! Steve USA STENCILS INC

Question about Quad 4C

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 22 13:22:59 EDT 2016 | bobpan

Hello, The machine measures the part using the laser on the head after picking it up. It then passes or fails it by comparing it to the part size and tolerance for the pickup in the laser extents. You can see this in central controller under laser ex

Diamant Repair Equipment

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 29 14:47:38 EDT 1998 | Jim Conway

I am in search of a particular piece of SM "laser" repair equipment known as "Diamant". I believe the manufacturer is European. I understand the equipment is potentially an in-line system and that it costs ~$100K. If you have any information regrar

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