Electronics Forum: 20x 2000 (Page 1 of 1)

Re: Accepting Stencils

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 17 16:33:10 EST 2000 | Michael Parker

20X magnification, using 0.5 mil accuracy, is helpful. I have a MicroVU system for geometric measurements in my Receiving Inspection, which is used to also measure the new stencils to ensure aperture reductions requested are actually provided by the

MPM AccuFlex

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 25 08:35:49 EST 2003 | pjc

AccuFlex is the replacement for UltraPrint 1500. UP1500 is going obsolete. AccuFlex was desgigned for fast setup and changeovers and takes some tasks away from the operator. The UltraPrint 2000 was designed for high production, even though many users

Re: Step Stencil

Electronics Forum | Sun Aug 06 16:37:00 EDT 2000 | fraser

1. A step stencil is a waste of perfectly good stainless steel! 2. They are characterised by lousy prints on the very parts that are most critical in your process - whilst leaving good prints on the easy stuff. 3. MMM.... nasty chemicals! 4. Exactly!


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