Electronics Forum: 235 2016 (Page 1 of 1)

Vi-TEchnology Vi-5000

Electronics Forum | Mon May 02 14:01:26 EDT 2016 | russwa

Hello Ermani, I am the support manager for ViTECHNOLOGY in the Americas and we can provide you any assistance you may need. Give me a call in our office at 972-235-1170 so that we can discuss your specific needs. Russ Warncke

temperature profile for ENIG

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 25 05:16:44 EST 2016 | slavek

Hello, I want to ask on suitable temperature profile for PCBs with ENIG final surface finish. I know that it is complex question with many unknowns. When the PCB will be standard 1,5 mm 35/35 Cu and the amount of components will have any influence o


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