Electronics Forum: 23500 (Page 1 of 1)

IHLP wash concerns

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 17 23:44:58 EST 2022 | smith88

Has anyone seen IHLP parts erode like this?

Epoxied Parts Falling Off

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 24 16:01:15 EST 2003 | MA/NY DDave

Hi Claude and the next person gave some good advice I would follow. When I spoke above about vibration I was thinking of machine, transport and other, yet shock like tapping the board on it's side or otherwise is pretty much the same. You create mic

IHLP wash concerns

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 18 20:53:36 EST 2022 | emeto

From part documentation: CLEANING INSTRUCTIONS A no clean solder system is recommended for IHLP's. If cleaning must be performed, an Isopropyl alcohol is recommended. If de-ionized Water Wash is used insure it is followed by a thorough warm air dry c

Way to port SMT program from Mydata to Panasonic?

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 19 10:35:56 EDT 2008 | mi

No, I don't have Panapro at all. Some Mydata files I've exported end in: *.cmp & *.gen Files saved on floppy from Panasonic MSH II end in: *.MNG, *.POS, *.SET Panasonic program filenames come out as: CF000000.POS CF000001.POS ... Sample quote of


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