Electronics Forum: 235c (Page 1 of 4)

lead free transition. want to use lead free parts w/ lead solder

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 06 18:11:37 EDT 2005 | russ

Please search the archives as this has been discussed on many occasions. Everything should be fine except for BGAs which will require a higher temp of 235C at the peak in reflow.

Hybrid reflow profile

Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 03 10:20:43 EDT 2005 | davef

Follow your component supplier recommendations. For instance: Xilinx says their lead-free alloy for their BGA spheres is SnAgCu, and liquidous is 217*C and they want you to peak at 230 - 235*C for good wetting according to their reflow guidelines.

temperature profile for ENIG

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 25 05:16:44 EST 2016 | slavek

Hello, I want to ask on suitable temperature profile for PCBs with ENIG final surface finish. I know that it is complex question with many unknowns. When the PCB will be standard 1,5 mm 35/35 Cu and the amount of components will have any influence o

Max temp on a lead free part

Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 18 22:15:11 EDT 2004 | KEN

I have two industry leading customers that have specific requirements for components to survive 30 seconds above 230C. In one case I have a custom ASIC that is heat sinked on the die (to the PCB). The sink pulls heat out of the lead frame very effi

Electrovert Omniflo-7 Reflow Oven VS Lead-Free

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 10 16:45:36 EST 2005 | pjc

It all depends on what type of board you need to solder. If your boards are small in size and low thermal mass and your conveyor speed requirments are normal, then I'd say the OmniFlo 7 will do the job. It has a max zone temp setting of 280C. The cur

Re: Silver Inclusion In Solder

Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 30 04:53:08 EDT 2002 | jason

Hi Dr Lee, Recently, I was assigned to use Ag imm. PCB using 63/37 solder paste without Ag. The results were not fantastic. Surface finish was rough and lots of wetting issue. The oven profile soaking time was set at 70 secs above 183�C and Max tem

Max temp on a lead free part

Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 08 11:00:53 EST 2004 | davef

It's possible your supplier has not thought through the results of their conversion to lead-free throughly. We'd expect something like: Reflow Parameters||Pb Assy||Pb Free Peak Temp.||235�C �5�C||255�C �5�C Time Within 5�C Peak Temp.||20 to 40 sec.|

AIM SN100C Solder paste

Electronics Forum | Fri May 26 10:49:32 EDT 2006 | pjc

250C peak temp seems very high for components. Thermal damage, which is latent like ESD damage, can occur on components at temps as low as 235C. Looking at component specs to see what the max temps are is a good idea I think when doing Pb Free trials

AMP SMT Connector (PCI)

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 26 14:43:09 EDT 2006 | Billabong

We are having difficulty with thermal deformation of these AMP surface mount connectors. It is a RoHS compliant part, but only rated to withstand 245c for 10-30 seconds. Even at this temperature, we are seeing PLASTIC deforming which prevents mating

Nonwetting Components - why won't components wet to solder?

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 25 17:14:44 EST 2007 | slthomas

Good luck with that. ;) More likely you'll have to adjust your profiles. In our case with the palladium terminations we had to touch them up. There were other parts on the board that couldn't take more than 5 seconds at ~235 C� (don't remember for s

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